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Navya gasped loudly as her jaw dropped wide open in disbelief and her eyes went as round as gooseberries.

Nandini, flustered, closed her eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again to find Navya's jaw still exposed to the elements. "Navya," she sighed wearily, "you'd better close it if you don't want flies to make their way in."

Navya clamped a hand over her open mouth. "I don't believe this," she hissed in utter disbelief, "I don't believe this at all! You... kissed... him..."

"Navya," Nandini was so worn out as she spoke, "I didn't kiss him. And after all what happened, I don't think I ever would. Not in a million years!"

"But I can't believe that he's such an asshole," Navya was looking quite normal now, "maybe he's trying to take revenge."

"I guess he is," replied Nandini, "I wish I knew what he is up to. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with him for a month."

"Come on, that's ridiculous," snapped Navya, "why on earth should you serve a month's notice when you have hardly worked in the department for a day? It doesn't make any sense."

Nandini seemed thoughtful at this little piece of information. Coming to think of it... why should I?

"I mean... see look... you worked in the reception area for a week and served just a week's notice," said Navya wildly, "at least you had something to hand over. And here? Absolutely nothing! So why should you serve notice? You know what I think? I think he's just messing around with you."

Nandini was still quiet. Is he holding me back for nothing? Just to torture me? I smell something fishy here..

"Makes sense right?" asked Navya.

"Yes," replied Nandini after a brief moment of silence, "but how do I get out of this? I mean... how do I even ask this monster anything at all? This morning... he almost ate me up just for asking about the cover up with Hashmi..."

"Check with your other managers then," said Navya, "what're their names? Clara and Mukherjee?"

"They're hardly in the office," said Nandini in a bored tone, "they're always out. Which is one reason I feel that this guy is acting smart. I don't think Clara and Mukherjee are like this. That's what I've heard."

"Why don't you just go up to Mukherjee and report the issue?" asked Navya angrily, "or at least to that Waudby or Barney! This fellow needs to be taught his place."

"Let's see what to do," replied Nandini thoughtfully, "his reign of terror definitely has to come to an end..."

That night... at Manik's place...

Manik slouched around in his deserted apartment in a T-shirt and a pair of tracks. He had his leg hung loosely over the arm of the couch as he flitted through the channels on TV. A cheesy saas-bahu serial made him stop momentarily and make a ewwww expression before tuning into a music channel.

He rose to his feet and started to warm up, ready for his usual late evening workout. Though his ears were on the music, his mind was elsewhere. He wasn't in the mood to work out today, in fact he was stinging from the burns he got this morning. I'll meet the doctor if it gets worse, for the time being, I'll just adjust with this spray. It seems to be working anyhow.

That reminded him... Nandini. He had a strong urge for coffee until now, but her very memory simply wiped away that desire. Now whenever he thinks about... or even hears the word "coffee", he feels a sharp burning pain... down there.

The moment her thoughts came flooding to his mind, he was overwhelmed with a mixed bag of emotions. When it came to Nandini Murthy, he was confused. Always. There was something so pure and innocent about this girl which told him that his actions were wrong. Every time he picked on her, a voice at the back of his head kept telling him to stop... that it was wrong... but another part of him... the monstrous part... thoroughly enjoyed it, went out of control and took pleasure in suppressing her... controlling her... making her feel powerless.... Making her less challenging.... It felt good to exercise control over a helpless someone... it made him feel powerful and perfect. Flawless.

But every time she bumbled up and screwed up his flawless image, he felt threatened. He had built his image over the years in such a way that no one ever dared in their wildest dreams to mess around with him.

~ Flashback ~

Manik Malhotra, aged 13, had just opened up his lunch box when the school's most feared bully, Hiren, turned up at his desk. Manik meekly looked up and was stunned to notice that the other kids had cleared out of the place long back. It was just Hiren and his goonies.

"Hand over your lunch," the boy demanded.

Manik began to slowly withdraw before he refused. "No."

"No?" Hiren dangerously closed in on Manik. "No!!? You dare to say no to me?" Hiren scorned at him through clenched teeth and landed a tight slap right over Manik's ear. "Huh!!? You dare to say no to me? You bitch!"

"Maya aunty prepared this for me," Manik cowered whilst shielding his face from Hiren's blows, "I can't give this to you..."

By now, several kicks and punches landed all over Manik as he helplessly crouched in the corner and took them all. "Here's your lunch."

SPLASH! Manik was in intense agony as the boys splattered the red, spicy gravy all over his face and smeared it deep into his eyes.

This kept happening for several days. And no matter how Manik avoided them, he always ended up getting caught. Not to mention badly hurt... Until one afternoon...

Manik found a secret place to hang around when classes weren't on. Recess equated to nightmares for Manik. Wherever he moved, the goons were on his tail, ready to make his life a living hell. Whether it be the classroom or the restroom... or even the cafeteria. No one dared to take action against Hiren either. After all, he was the son of one of the board members of the school. There was nothing that could be done.

It was pointless to complain at home either. No one cared much about him as it was. His parents were all for his younger brother Raj. For them, Raj and only Raj meant the world.

His heart skipped a beat as he heard the crunching of pebbles under shoes.

"So! There you are!" the familiar voice of Hiren barked, "I've been looking all over for you."

Manik was absolutely terrified to see Hiren accompanied by five of his goonies.

"Did you actually think that you could hide from me?"

"Just leave me alone," muttered Manik and backed into the wall.

"Now let's see, where do we start?" Hiren grabbed a fistful of Manik's shirt and tried to drag him off the wall.

"I said leave me alone!!!" Manik was terrified now. In fact, he was utterly terrified that he didn't even realize that he had floored Hiren with a vicious kick to his gut.


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