Chapter 5

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm sorry that my chapters aren't really chapters.. but I mean, at least it's something? I know I haven't updated in a while. Hopefully people still want to read this story and hopefully my writing doesn't disappoint. I felt confident in this chapter, but after reading it over I'm not so sure. I just hope at least one person likes it! Feedback is also much appreciated.

x blue

 I'd been laying in bed for the past hour because it was my day off and I just wanted a laid back day where I could relax and not worry about anything. I told Gerard we could hang out later if he was up for it. He wasn't feeling so well but he told me he'd probably swing by later anyway because he wanted to see me. I wanted to see him too, considering we hadn't had the time to meet up the past few days and the last couple of weeks had been hectic with my mom, work, and with our everyday lives just not wanting to let things work.

Having a good friend was strange. It felt so new to me. It actually was new to me. Before Gerard, I'd never had a best friend who I truly cared this much about. I'd never been able to count on someone like I could count on him, or his brother, or his friends. His friends were my friends. I'd say the same about my friends being his, but I didn't really have other friends. It was nice, this whole friend thing. I liked going to his place on the weekends and having him over whenever it worked out. I hoped he would stop by later that day.

I fell asleep thinking about Gerard, but when I woke up I definitely wasn't expecting to see him hovering over my bed.

"Gerard?" I croaked with sleep still in my throat.

"Ah, yes. It is I, the famous Gerard Way that you have been waiting for!"

Gerard was really quite energetic all of the time. I don't know why. It was like, once we had that talk on his couch he had broken out of his mysterious shell. I could usually predict him and the spontaneous things he'd come up with, and he was always bouncing around, full of life.

"You're not famous yet, man," I told him. He gasped and threw his hand up to his chest, faking a look of hurt.

"Why do you refuse to accept the fact that the world loves me?" He whined. "I'm the best tattoo artist out there and I have millions of people lining up to get a piece done. I've just been so overbooked and stressed out that I had to take this day to come visit my favorite friend to get my mind off of things." He gave a cheeky grin. "That's why I'm here, by the way. You know, just in case you were wondering."

I sat up in bed, pulling my blanket around me. "Oh, Gerard," I sighed, "I know you'd love to have your work noticed and I think everyone knows how much you'd love to be famous. One day you'll be living your dream life," I said sincerely.

Gerard really was an amazing artist and he had the biggest heart. His dreams to become a well known tattooist and artist in general could very well come true. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not ever if he stayed in this little New Jersey town, but his work was so good that it wasn't impossible.

"Your work is absolutely great," I said, reaching out to touch his arm. That was my way of showing him I was being serious.

"I came to get my mind off of this," Gerard reminded me.

"Oh, right." My cheeks flashed a quick shade of red. "So what's the plan for today then? I thought you weren't feeling well? You can come into bed with me if you want."

"Well, I'm not feeling the greatest," he confessed as he got into bed with me. "But I had the feeling that if I came over and saw you I'd feel better. Being around you always fills me up with happiness and even on my crappiest days you seem to lift my spirits, which is odd because you're always such an asshole to me, Frankie." He pouted his lip and i wanted to push him off the bed. I almost did, too, but I didn't want to prove him right.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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