Chapter One

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·Chapter One·

I was on my way to my first period English class when everyone was giving me disgusted looks. "Freak," some girl said as she walked by me. I just sighed and kept walking to class with my head down.

"Hey Kenz," my best friend, Stevi, greeted me as I sat in the seat next to her in the back left corner of the classroom. She wore a Demi Lovato shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of black boots.

"Hey Stevi," I greeted back. I loved this girl, we've been friends since we were six and she never fails at making me laugh.

"Omg Makenzie, you should join group therapy. There's these two guys named Jeremy and Jack who do most of the talking and they curse like every second. There's this other guy named Ryan who just sits there, but when he talks it sounds all smart and shit. Oh! And there's this emo guy you might like who just sits there in a corner named Zack," Stevi kept talking but I stopped listening.

I was trying to picture how that "emo guy" looked like. All black clothing, flippy hair, cute. Maybe I should join group. They all seem like cool people, and I would like to see this "emo guy."

"I'll talk to my therapist about it during our session tomorrow," I said after she finished talking about the people in group.

Soon the teacher, Mr. Jefferson, gave us an assignment. We had to write a persuasive essay on a topic of our choice. I decided to write about "ways we can stop bullying."

I was honest in my essay. I said that there is no way we can stop bullying. There will always be someone picking on someone, there will always be people talking shit about people. That's just life. But there is a way you can avoid getting bullied.

I got a 100 on my paper even though I didn't really do what the assignment said. On the corner of the paper, Mr. Jefferson drew a smiley face and wrote "I'm here if you ever need to talk."

I somewhat smiled then shoved the paper in my black bookbag when the bell rung and I went on with my day at hell.

I threw my bookbag on my bed and took my shoes off as soon as I got home. I layed in bed and checked

Do you cut yourself?

Are you emo?

Have you ever sucked dick?


I read the questions once more then answered them saying to leave me alone. Why me? I thought to myself.

I put in my earbuds and put my music on shuffle. The song Lost It All by my favorite band, Black Veil Brides, started playing. I sang along with Andy Biersack then after the first chorus, I started to tear up.

I pulled the earbuds out of my ears and angrily wiped my tears away. I hated crying. I rummaged through the back of my closet for the red box. I opened the box and moved my notebook out of the way. There I saw my shiny friends. I picked up the sharpest one and went into the bathoom.

I pulled down my skinny jeans and picked up my shiny friend. I slid the blade across my right thigh and felt relief as beads of blood started to show.

One cut. Two cut. Three cut. Four. I cut until the blood runs down to the floor.

I switch to my left thigh and press hard as I draw lines on my skin, going deeper with every cut. I do my last cut then clean up the blood with a towel.

I go back into my room and change into sweatpants. I lay in bed and turn on the T.V. I turn up the volume when I realized Criminal Minds was on.

A few hours later, my mom called for dinner. Fuck, I thought. I don't want to eat. I'm too fat and I need to fix that.

I went into the kitchen and saw my mom setting up the table. "Hi mom," I said.

"Hi, come sit and eat," she replied.

"Um, actually mom, I'm not hungry," I said trying not to sound upset. I felt bad because she made such a lovely dinner.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I replied.

I went back into my room and listened to Of Mice & Men until I drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

I woke up from a nightmare, gasping for air. The same nightmare keeps me up every night. It's the one where there's this mysterious guy trying to kill me, and sometimes, he does.

I layed in bed staring at the ceiling the rest of the night until my alarm went off at five A.M.

I got out of bed and got ready for another day at Hell. Another day of people calling me names and picking on me.

I quickly took a shower and put on a Pierce The Veil shirt, skinny jeans, and purple vans. I straightened my hair and applied a thick layer of eyeliner and I was off to school.

"Yo, thot!" Someone yelled before they threw a pencil at me. They laughed and walked away with their group of friends. I kept walking to class with my head down. I hate school.

After school, I did my homework then got ready to go to therapy. I was gonna ask my therapist, Fatima, about group. I hope she agrees to let me go.

"Hello Makenzie, how have you been?" Fatima asked with a welcoming smile.

"I'm doing fine," I lied. Falling apart. Insecure. Nervous. Emotional. Yeah, I'm F.I.N.E.

"Is there anything you wanted to talk about?" She asked.

"Actually, my friend told me about this group she's in here, and I thought that maybe I can join it," I said nervously. Would she let me join even though my best friend's in it? I sure hope so.

"And why would you like to join?" She asked. Ugh, so many questions.

"Because the people there seem cool and I actually want to meet them," I replied. She had a surprised expression on her face. Probably because I want to meet these people Stevi told me about even though I have social anxiety and hate to be around new people.

"I guess it'll be okay for you to join. I'll talk to Kelly about it then you'll most likely start next Tuesday," she said.

"Okay, thanks," I said with a smile on my face. I can't wait to meet these people.

But... What if they hate me?

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