Chapter Two

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·Chapter Two·

The day is finally here, I start group today! It starts at five P.M. so I start getting ready.

I throw on my Pierce The Veil shirt, black skinnies, purple vans, and a black jacket. I applied a thick layer of eyeliner then I told my dad that it's time to go, I had to see my therapist at four-thirty before group.

I was listening to Black Veil Brides as we drove. I couldn't wait till I go to group, but at the same time, I was nervous.

"Makenzie?" My therapist called me up for our session.

"Hey Fatima," I greeted as I walked into the room.

"Are you excited to start group?" She asked.

"And nervous," I replied.

What if they don't like me? Would they accept me for me? Would they judge me?

"Tell you what, I'll walk you there and you'll be fine. I heard they're good people," my therapist said.

I replied with a simple "okay" and we walked down to the room where group takes place. I felt myself shaking, trying hard to calm my anxiety.

I walked into the room and everyone's eyes were on me. I felt like I was going to pass out, I hate when people look at me. My eyes automatically landed on that "emo guy" Stevi told me about.

I was welcomed with a "hello" by who I assumed was Kelly, the person who runs the group.

"Hi," I simply replied. I walked to an empty seat and realized that Stevi wasn't here.

As soon as I sat down in an empty seat, the boy next to me moved down to the seat next to him. I felt my heart sink. He hates me already, I thought.

"Okay, so we're going to to introductions. Makenzie, you go first, then we'll go around the room. Say your name, and age," started Kelly.

"Um.. My name's Makenzie, and I'm sixteen," I said.

"My name's Josh, and I'm seventeen," said the guy who moved away from me.

"I'm Jeremy, I'm seventeen."

"My name's Ryan, and I am sixteen."

"Uh, Tori, sixteen."

"I'm Lauren, I'm sixteen."

"I'm Evelyn, I'm seventeen."

"Um.. I'm Zack, I'm seventeen," said the "emo guy." He was wearing a Sleeping With Sirens hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black vans. He had flippy hair, and blue eyes. He was pretty attractive.

When we finished introductions, Stevi walked in. "Heyyy," she greeted everyone, "Hey Makenzie!"

"You two know each other?" asked Lauren.

"Yeah. We knew each other since first grade," replied Stevi. There was a chorus of "aww's." I just sat there uncomfortably.

"So, how's everyone doing?" Asked Kelly. F.I.N.E., I thought.

"Uh.. I was playing with tools the other day," spoke Zack.

"What kind of tools?" Asked Kelly.

"Oh,," responded Zack. My heart sank, I knew what he meant by "tools."

"I think we all know what he means by that," Tori frowned. I felt the need to say something to Zack. He was so perfect, why would he do such a thing to himself?

"Well, you do know we have to tell your parents, right?" said Kelly. Zack only shrugged. It upset me how someone so perfect would harm themselves. He doesn't deserve it, no one does.

Group went well, Josh and Jeremy did most of the talking. They started a conversation about drugs and Jeremy announced how he's been masturbating since sixth grade. It was... Interesting.

I caught Zack staring at me a few times, it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

And that Evelyn girl kept giving me dirty looks. Well, nice to meet you too.

At six P.M. group ended. It went well for my first day. I actually... Smiled and laughed.

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