Chapter Twenty Six - Plans and Family

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A Witches Imprint - Plans and Family

                “So all the marbles are back, I see,” Clyde said walking through the front door not even bothering to knock or anything. Vincent walked in behind him glaring. I guess he remembered that Clyde was a vampire. I did to, it was unsettling, but I also knew that at this point he was about the only hope I had of finding my mate.

                “Yes, I guess you can say that. Now do you know where they took my mate? Seeing as you were the only one that got to keep their memory after the fight last time,” I said looking at him as he flopped down on the couch.

                “Why yes I do. Do you have a plan on how you are going to get her back after you find out where she is?” He asked looking up at me.

                “I have someone coming to help with the fighting part. But we are going to know where she is so I can get an idea of how we might be able to rescue her. These people are willing to help, but I am pretty sure that I am going to have to show them how serious I am about this rescue,” I said getting frustrated with his not seeming to care attitude.

                “She is being held in an old Victorian style mansion in the middle of the forest in Washington. I don’t know what the inside looks like; I wasn’t able to get a close look. As soon as I saw them stop and let her out of the car I came back to make sure that you guys were okay,”

                “That’s it. That’s all the information you have? How the hell am I supposed to plan anything from that?”

                “Excuse me, but if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t even know where the h*ll she is right now. I think instead of getting mad at me you should be thanking me you inconsiderate @sshole!” He yelled finally getting up from the couch.

                “Your right, getting mad at you isn’t going to help. I am just so damn frustrated about this whole situation,” I was so angry that I punched a hole in the wall of the living room just to release some of my anger, not that it really helped.

                “I know you are, you don’t think I’m not. I am just trying to stay cool because we can’t have two supernatural beings freaking out at the same time!” He said finally letting his anger show.

                “Well both of you need to check your anger. My best friend is out there going to God only knows what and is not going to be any safer just because you testosterone filled males can get in a screaming match and punch holes through the f*cking door. Now I want us all to sit the f*ck down and start hashing out a plan!!” Ileana screamed. I didn’t even notice that the rest of the pack had wandered into the room while we were yelling.

                “Okay Ileana, calm down now, we are going to get her back,” Milo said pulling her into a comforting hug, though I don’t think that it was helping her much it did get her to calm down a smidge.

                Once everyone was calmed down again, well as calm as you can be when you have just found out that someone important has been taken from you and you don’t know what you are going to do about it.

                “I have a plan,” Sean said finally speaking up since we all got our memories back, “Or at least part of a plan. It is going to put Clyde in potential danger though.”

                “I’m okay with that,” I said at the same time that Clyde replied “What the h*ll”.

                “Just let him speak before you start shooting down the idea there Clyde. Besides they might be a little more merciful towards someone of their own kind,” Ileana said, I could tell she was trying to reign in her anger and her wolf.

                And then Sean launched into his plan. His idea was that Clyde, being that he is a special vampire, with the ability to walk in the sun, will be of great interest to Zavier and his group of vampires. Zavier wanted power and another vampire that can walk in the sun would be a great asset to him.

                Once he was in. He would be able to protect Tatiana to the best of his ability as well as feed information out to us so that we know how to better attack and get her back to freedom. And if things go south for him, we both know that Tatiana would try to protect him and he would also lay his life on the line to protect her, not only because he got to know her and like her, but also because of the spell that was etched into the ring that was going to make this whole plan possible.

                What we were trying to hatch out now was how we are going to get Clyde into the group without him being killed on spot. It’s not like you can just walk up to the house of the most dangerous group in the world and ask to join. We need to get a low man on the totem pole and get them to spread the word of the powerful vampire that can walk in the sun. And we have to do this without him connecting Clyde to us or to Tatiana. Hopefully she won’t mess up the plan as soon as she sees him. That he can get the message to her before everything goes wrong.

                I don’t know how long we were talking about this but there was a knock on the door that startled us all out of our planning. I knew who was at the door but I couldn’t seem to be able to make my feet move. My head knew that they agreed to come here and help me, that doesn’t mean that I was really prepared to be face to face with the people who once kicked me out of their pack, family and lives.

                “Do you want me to get it?” Vincent whispered so that they couldn’t hear it from outside.

                “No I’ll go,” I whispered to him before raising my voice to say, “Coming!”

                I finally got me feet to move towards the front door. I took a deep breath before turning the knob and finally coming face to face with my family.

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