Chapter 13 - Ashton's Past

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A Witches Imprint - Ashton's Past

                I woke up I was warm, burning to be exact. Ashton had me pulled right against his chest his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I could have dealt with the heat; it was the full bladder that I couldn’t deal with right now.

                I tried to pull out of my arms but every time I tried to move he just pulled my tighter to his chest. I finally understood that ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’. I tried once again to move away but Ashton just held on tighter, this time pushing against my already full bladder.

                “I don’t want you to get up,” Ashton said against the back of my neck.

                “You are going to have to let me go unless you really want me to pee on you. I promise I will come right back and lay in your arms for as long as you want,”

                “Well that’s going to have to be forever because I don’t ever want you to leave,” He let me go though and I quickly ran to the bathroom. While I was there I quickly rinsed my mouth out and washed my face before I ran back into the room.

                I jumped on the bed almost landing right on him but he used his werewolf reflexes to move out of the way in time.

                “Someone is happy this morning,”

                “That’s because I had an amazing night sleep. I got to be with the most handsome guy in the world,”

                “Really, I am going to have to meet this guy. He sounds pretty amazing,”

                “I know. I think you would really like him,” I said leaning up and giving him a quick peck on the lips. He didn’t like that though and quickly turned ‘French’. I pulled away when his hands started roaming around in my shirt.

                “I am not quite ready for that okay,” I said looking at him.

                “That’s okay, we don’t have to do anything until you are ready. I am just glad you feel comfortable enough to tell me to stop. It means that we are in a very healthy relationship,” He said smiling down at me.

                “Yeah, I guess. I am truly sorry. I know you want to go farther in this relationship and you know, complete the mating ritual. But I am just not ready for that yet. I’m sorry,”

                “You don’t ever have to be sorry for telling me how you feel. I understand completely and like I said before I don’t want you to ever have to worry about anything like that. I will NEVER pressure you into something that you weren’t ready for especially something as serious as the mating ritual,”

                “Thank you,” I leaned up and gave him another peck and before he could turn this one in a more heated one my stomach gave an all mighty growl.

                “I think someone might be a little hungry,” He said chuckling as my stomach gave another obnoxious growl.

                “Yeah I think just a little,”

                We got out of the bed and noticed that he was in nothing but his boxers. I am not sure when he changed into that but right now I couldn’t take my eyes off of his chiselled chest. Being an alpha of a werewolf back has done him well.

                “As much as I love to have you devour me with your eyes. I think food would better sustain you,”

                “Uh, yeah…” I stuttered out, then I realized what I just said and smacked myself in the forehead, literally not figuratively much to Ashton’s amusement.

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