Chapter 33 - Party

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A Witches Imprint - Party

                I’ve been avoiding talking to Clyde the past two days. I know he will have something to say about my little performance with the pack. I wasn’t going to change my mind though; this was the smart thing to do, not go on the run again. I was done living like that. I am going to find a way to finish this once and for all.

                “Are you going to get ready for the party tonight? It’s going to be a ball,” Zavier asked smirking at me. We had just finished training. I was getting better, but he of course wasn’t teaching me anything that would do him any serious damage. I am going to have to start doing some research on my own.

                “In a bit, doesn’t take me that long to get ready,” I said walking away from him. Instead of heading to my room I instead headed to the library. Clyde was silently following behind me seeing as I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without a guard hot on my heels.

                “What are you going to do in here?” He asked as we walked through the doors of the library. This was one of my favorite rooms in this mansion. Just walls covered in books from floor to ceiling. I was hoping to find something of use here.

                “I am going to do some independent studying in trying to find a way to full fill this prophecy without getting myself killed in the process. You can help, find anything on Kallista, Christian, Zavier or Earth Witches. Maybe there will be something in these books that will help. I have a feeling if I don’t find something quick Ashton is going to come whether I want him to or not,” I said already on the move looking through all the titles of the books.

                We spent almost two hours looking through the library. We found one book on Earth Withes, two on Kallista and one on Christian. There was nothing on Zavier but that didn’t surprise me at all. We grabbed all the books and took them to my room. I would study them there, but right now I had to get ready for this party.

                I took a quick shower and decided to let my hair dry naturally so that it would have a little bit of a wave to it. While waiting for it to dry I applied a small amount of makeup. Some light cover-up and blush. My eyes I lined with a light layer of black eyeliner then used some dark red eye shadow to highlight the lids just a little.

                When that was done and my hair was dry I took the top layer of hair and pulled them back clipping it at the back of my head with a black clip that also had red studded diamonds in it. This gave my hair a simple yet elegant look and kept it out of my face at the same time.

                I had just finished putting on my dress when Zavier burst into my room. Something that I was very used to by now, the man never knocked.

                “You are looking very nice. Perfect to be my date to this party,” He said looking me up and down with an almost predatory look in his eyes.

                “Wait! Not only do I have to go to this thing. But I am supposed to act like your date. I so did not agree to this,” I exclaimed not very happy about this sudden change in plans. I was hoping that I could just go, make an appearance and then make my way back here to do some much needed research.

                “But of course, I can’t go to my own party stag, and you are going to be one of the most amazing girls there. That’s a guarantee,” he replied once again looking me up and down.

                He held out his arm for me. Not seeing any other choice I linked my arm through his and made my way to the ball room hating every second of it. Just before entering the hall we stopped behind two double doors, I was about to ask why we stopped when I heard someone speak on the other side of the door,

                “And your host tonight Zavier Cortez escorting the lovely Tatiana Monclare,” With that the doors swung open and we made our way down the stairs and into the crowded ball room. I wanted to hide, to run away from all this attention. I did not want to be tied to Zavier in any way, shape, or form.

                “Zavier, nice to see you again,” Many people greeted once we reached the bottom of the stairs. There were so many people here, more people than I knew my entire life. But I guess when you live for thousands of years even @ssholes like Zavier can make an acquaintance or two.   

                Once people started leaving us alone slightly I quickly detached myself from Zavier and made my way over to where I could see Clyde standing. We were ‘close’ enough as guard and guardee that Zavier was not suspicious about how much time I spent around him and how comfortable I was around him as well.

                “Having fun as the guest of honour at this little shin dig?” Clyde asked as I finally made my way through the crowd to him.

                “No, I don’t know anyone here. I wanted just to be able to come and then sneak out to my room to start researching a way out of this. Now I am stuck here playing the happy little date to the guy that I am destined to kill.”

                “It was just a question,” He said chuckling at my response to his simple question. But I was really getting tired of being here. And I didn’t just mean the party.

                I was looking through the crowd when I thought that I saw a familiar face in the crowd. But they were gone so fast that I wasn’t sure it was who I thought it was. I really hope that they didn’t go against my wish and came to this party to try to get me out. There was only one way that I was leaving this party or this house, and that is with the guest in a body bag. 

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