Chapter. 18 Sakura! The grumpy teenager

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The wind blew, and the branches swayed from the trees that stood high and strong. A pink haired figure clear in view with a red dress stood tall but anxious at the tall tree. The girl pressed her lips together in a firm line. Looking straight at the tall tree in front of her. Oh how she did not want to do this, when her sister is apparently kidnapped. She bit her upper lip in anger, feeling the bitter taste of blood. She just sighed in her own misery, if training is going to make her strong, then being strong is enough to save her own sister.

Standing straight and breathing slowly to keep her calm. She stopped and did the hand sign, controlling her chairs to the soles of her feet.

'Remember Sakura, not to big but not too small. Stay calm and control.'

Once she was satisfied, she hesitantly lift her foot up to side of the tree. Breathing in and out, closing her eyes from the fear embedding in her stomach.

She let go.

And now she's stuck to a tree.

Opening one eye to another. Slowly she walked up, seeing that her control was spot on, she ran up to the very highest. Beating her fello teammates on the go. She saw the branch up top and jumped. Grabbing hold of the branch with both hands, she tries to pull herself up and blows off the piece of her pink lock in front of her face.

'Gosh...My hairs getting too long...'

She grunted as her hand slid off and only her left hand hold her. She lifted herself up and sighed in relief.

'I wonder if they saw...'

I rolled my eyes even thinking that. Who would pay attention to her anyway...She thought thatsimply weak to even be looked at.

She sat and swung her feet back and forward watching the boys concentrate. She looked at Naruto and saw that he was kinda struggling, she giggled at the fuss he made and turned her attention to Sasuke. (Oh Handsome Strong Sasuke, why do you have to be an asshole to everyone.) She saw how he ran up the tree and made it up to a high mark, but it wasn't even close to where she was. She was pretty surprised to see him....not achieve this training quickly like she did. He is a prodigy. The last of his kind. Throughout every training, with a flick of a click, he already beat you to it.

"Ah...Well done Sakura-chan! See boys, why can't you guys focus like her? It looks like Sakura has a higher chance to become Hokage and to achieve her goals..."

The boys looked up to where she was and there jaw dropped. Sakura sighed at how her sensei said that and stood up from where she was. With boredom towering her face, she stepped forward in the air and fell.


Her teammates yelled in fear and panic for her but all she did was roll her eyes. She dropped to the ground in a fetal position and they didn't hear anything. She stood up and put her hand on her hip and looked at the boys. "Hurry up and say it before flies get in your mouth". She said bluntly.

"H-how did you do that!? Could you teach me? PLEASE?"

With one single motion, she pointed at her forehead and looked at the both of them, sensing that Sasuke wanted to ask the same question.

"My forehead isn't just for decoration, just put your mind and body to it."

"But Sakura-"

"Practice makes it perfect, I'm gonna go now."

She walked off in a random direction, hoping that she could just run away from everyone. But with one eye, he could see everything. Kakashi looked at her through the distance and sighed in sadness.

'I hope Cherry is okay...'


Sakura's Pov

I wondered off in a random direction and I thought to myself of how stupid I am.


I shrieked in fear and my heart skipped a beat. I put a hand on my heart and turned around. Only to open my mouth in shock. 'That is the most prettiest girl I've ever seen!'Inner yelled.

I couldn't even reply to say I agreed with her. Her long dark hair flowed freely down to her waist. Her sleeveless kimono was so beautiful too. With her black chocker.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" She asked with such a feminine voice that sounded like I was talking to a angel.

'I already like her SHANNARO!'

'Me too...'

I saw that she had a basket full of herbs and glanced at the area we were in. "Um....I'm just clearing my head that's all. Do need any help? I'll be happy to help, don't worry."

She nodded her head and thanked me. I gave her a small smile and picked out some herbs. It kinda interested me to find some more about them and I just pinned up that idea in my mind.

"Could I ask you a question?", The pretty lady asked.

I nodded my head and waited for her to continue.

"Do someone?"

The thought of Sasuke came up in my mind and I just clenched my fist in annoyance.

"Well...Does siblings count?". She nodded.

"Well then yes...I do love someone. Well I used to love two but now I'm just over him. I think I wasn't in love with him in the first place. But overall yeah..."

"What's her or his name?"

"Her name... Her name is Cherry. We're just have a one month gap between each other. I was born first then a few weeks later she surprisingly tagged along. I was happy to know when I grew up, I wasn't alone.", I saw her eyes show another tint of emotion but it quickly went away and it just went back to its warm and kind eyes.

"Would you sacrifice yourself for her?"

"What's with these questions? Hahaha...Of course I would! She's my everything! And I would want her to live her life to the fullest. Plus, if I become a ghost, I could haunt those asses who hurt her when she grows."
The pretty lady laughed and she said that would be enough and thanked me once again. I waved her off and told her it was no biggie.

"My name is Haku by the way. It as nice meeting you miss. I should be going now, it's nearly sundown. Goodbye". She said kindly and also told her my name. She turned to to a different direction I was going and waved again.

I started walking the opposite way I walked and also waved in return.

"Oh and Sakura!", I turned around."I'm a boy"

'I've never been this confused and shocked in my life'


Just wanted to say this is the freaking last time I'm ever doing this arc. I just hate it how this is long anyway. Its nearly finish then we are going straight to the next scene.


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