Red Rose Room

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-ALSO, enjoy :) -

Taylor's POV-

I was in the hotel room, and Ed was doing a signing. I, of course, chose not to come along be honest I don't know. I just feel worn down.

I kinda wanna do something...what if I-

"Ba Ding"

Look outside the door. -E

My phone went off. What the-

I unlocked the multiple locks on the door, and went out. I looked all around and saw no one. Turning around dissapointedly, I felt something on my bare feet. Looking down I noticed there were tiny orange paw prints made out of paper on the floor, all the way down the hall way...

I got out my phone, and texted Ed.

You won't rape me, will you? ;)

Not unless you're willing.

He texted back quickly!

I followed the papers, picking each one up. Each of them said something.

The first one, Pretty. The second one, Smart. The third one, Beautiful.

An adjective on each one. Then, the trail ended and the split part of the hallway. I could go left, or right. 

I looked around the saw another paw print on the right side of the hall on the wall. I got it off the wall and it said, "When I met you the first time, it just felt...RIGHT."

I laughed out loud at that one. Ed is so cheesy.

Following right, I came to a curve.

At the end of the dimly lit hallway, I saw Ed. Just Ed. Then, he bolted into the last door on the left. Laughing, I ran down the hall and stood in front of the room he went in.

I knocked, not saying a word.

I didn't even hear anything...

Jiggling the door handle, I noticed it was being me, I walked in. 

The bed had little red roses on it and the room itself wasn't lit that much. I walked to the bed and noticed a note.

"Look behind you. :) "

So, I did.

About 1 foot away from me stood Ed. He was in black pants and a tightly fitting shirt with his own name on it. He looked...great.

"What's this all ab-" He cut me off by kissing me once, then taking my hand and dragging me to the window. 

He stood behind me and reached up the open the windows blind. We were currently in London, and the view was great. Street lights decorated the dark road and people were on the sidewalks. They looked like ants because we were so up high. I bet they couldn't even see us...

I felt Ed's head on my shoulder and he kissed me cheek multiple times.

"Ed.." I whispered. He didn't say anything, except closing the blind. He then walked away from me and closed the door on the other side of the room I heard him lock it too. I went and sat on the foot of the bed.

Ed turned around and looked at me up and down. Lust was in his eyes.

He took 3 very large steps over to me and sat down beside me on the bed.

I turned around and looked at him. "Why?" 

"Why what?" His voice was deeper than normal...

"Why did you want me to be here in a new room?" 

He bent down to whisper in my ear, "Because I wanted you." He glanced to my lips for a few seconds.

Crashing his lips onto mine, he grabbed my waist. I put my hands up to his hair. I tugged a bit and he grabbed my legs, making me sit ontop of him, my legs around his waist. 

As he messed with me shirt, I played with his hair and his torso. He DID have a long torso, so it's not like that was anything bad. 

He shift under me and soon, we were standing. He did a complete 180 and made me go on my back. Getting on top of me, he kissed me more. His tounge went in my mouth. Little did he know that I knew what he was doing.

I went to the bottom of his shirt and tugged on it, signaling I wanted him to take it off. He greatly applied, getting to his knees and taking it off. His legs were on either side of my and I grabbed his back, and whispered in his ear. "I know."

Pulling away, he looked at me, "Know what?"

"What you're doing." Then I went back to kissing him again.

He then tugged a bit on my shirt. Then, looking into my eyes he was asking.

Asking for approval.

Then, I think you all know what happened. 


Authors Note-

Hellooooooooooooooooooo! Sorry for the bad uploading schedule. 

I have summer sports going on all June and a bit of July, so please dont get mad if I don't upload as often!!!


Here's my other Ed Sheeran story!!

Please read!! 

Thanks (:

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