Chapter Two

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*Next day*

I walk to school with both headphones in, I know how today will go. As if on schedule someone drove by at full speed through a sprinkler puddle and soaked me.

"You looked like you needed a shower" Mindy called from the car as it sped off.

You know what, Forget her and forget all those little bitches forget everyone, I'm going home. I turn around and start walking home I watch my converse hit the ground with each step i pick up the speed, I saw another pair of converse these ones were red, I look up to see a girl hair that matched her shoes and bright blue eyes.

"Hey, You alright?" The red headed girl asked

"Um yeah, I'm fine" I say as i continue to walk away. To my surprise the girl turned around and started walking with me

"I'm Emma, I've seen you at school a lot lately." She said flipping her hair out of her right eye

"Oh" I say. I don't know why she's following me. "Look if you want to call me a freak or tell me to go kill myself I'm not in the mood today." I say stopping in my tracks.

"Why would I call you a freak?" She said spinning on her toes to face me. I pause for a second questioning if i should do this or not. I drop my bag and take off my hoodie exposing my scars to her. I didn't say anything I just watched her waiting for a reply. Without warning Emma walked up to me and hugged me. Pitty hug?

"You're not alone in that" She said bringing her arms into view, i didn't realize it before but Emma's arms were covered in scars too. She didn't hide them though, She had a band shirt on. No hoodie, no long sleeves no bracelets, She acted as if she wasn't afraid of what people might say. She picked up my bag and Hoodie and handed them to me.

"You hungry?" Emma asked with a smile. I couldn't speak I nodded my head.

"Alright. Well let's go get some dry clothes for you and i'll make us some food." She said as she turned around walking away. I follow her until we reached my street I paused as she turned down in.

"What? why did you stop walking?" Emma said turning around

"This is my street." my voice cracked when i said street. how lovely.

"It's mine too, Which one is yours?" She asked as she pulled out her phone

"The white one." I say quietly

"Okay well, you see that brick house down there?" She asked pointing a block away.

"Yeah" I spoke louder this time

"That's mine and we can walk through the allys so whoever you're hiding from doesn't see you." She said as she texted someone. I nod and follow her down the allys. Emma stops walking and turns around

"I'm taking you to my house and I don't know you're name" She spoke as if she's said this before

"Stephanie" I say as we continue walking.

We reach Emmas house. There were perfectly groomed hedges in front and a small pink bike under one of the rose bushes. Emma pushed open her door and threw her bag on the floor. There was a laundry basket next to a Barbie play tent, Emma pointed to it as she picked up her phone to call someone.

"You can wear any of that I did the laundry last night"

"Thanks" I said as I found a pair of jeans and a shirt, as I looked for a sweat shirt.

"So Stephanie, why do you hide them" Emma said as she threw her body on the couch, phone pressed to her cheek. I knew what she was talking about and grabbed a deep blue sweatshirt.

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