Chapter One

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*Tap* *tap* *tap* I hit my pencil against my desk to the beat, I hear their muffed words but ignore it. I'd rather listen to Christifor Drews sweet voice then their horrid words. suddenly my headphone is ripped from my left ear.

"Hey freak could you quit? Helloo? anyone home? Hey I'm talking to you! Quit tapping your damn pencil. I'm trying to talk to my friends, I know you don't have any but i'd like to be able to talk to mine without hearing that irritating noise. Oh and by the way no one wants to see those disgusting things pull your sleeves down." Her cruel words slithered from her lips.

I put my headphone back in my ear, put my hood on and pull my sleeves down over my scars. God Mindy is such a bitch. I turn up the volume so I don't have to listen to anything but the music, I see everyone start to stand up so i realize the bell must have rung. I grab my bag and start to put my books in when Mindy walks by with her group of catty bitches. Each and every one of them in a peach sweater and white jeans, Hair curled to perfection with Perfectly white teeth, I hate each and every single one of them. Mindys clones all walk by me with a cruel smile while Mindy has a look of discust.

I finish putting my things in my bag and walk into the bathroom, One period down four more to go. I look in the full body mirror, Black converse, my favorite jeans, an old band tee and a baggy black sweatshirt. My hair covers my left eye so I push it behind my ear, I take one headphone out and walk out of the bathroom. I take my Mp3 player out of my pocket to change the song, put it back in my pocket then next thing i know i'm slammed againsnt the lockers and fall to the floor. Surprise surprise the jocks are playing football in the halls, Again and one of the big boseos missed the ball and fell into me, without even an applogy he gets up, looks at me and walks away.

"No, No really i'm fine, Thanks for the help up." I say under my breath as everyone walks around me and over me. I stand up and walk down the hall straight to my second period. I sit down in the back of the room, and take out my homework page which i forgot to do once again.As Mrs.Wick My english teacher starts to call roll I start my homework.

"Ryan" Her nasily voice called


"Taylor?" She called

"Huuuhh ere!" Her voice called, man is that voice high pitch

"Mindy?" She called again

"Obvi I'm here!" Queen Bitch called

"...Stephanie" Her voice was quiet as of she was hoping i wasn't there today

"Here" I whisper

"Stephanie..?" She called again louder with a smile on her face

"Speak up freak she can't here you" One of Mindys clones hollared at me.

" I'm here" I speak up this time.

"Oh well speak up child i can't hear you all the way back there." Her nasily voice loudly projected as her smile faded quickly.

The rest of my day went as I thought it would i got called a freak several more times, was tripped at lunch spilling my food all over the most popluar guy at the school and after that it all went down hill very quickly. Finally school ended and i started to walk home. I had both headphones in, My sleeves rolled up and my hood on, I could hear laughter behind me I pause my music to hear what's going on.

"God those are soo nasty why can't she just cover them up?"

"I know! You're just lucky you don't have to live next to her! I have to see them every damn day in the summer. it's so disusting"

"Guys..They aren't gross..I-" A soft voice spoke, sounding shaky as the words escaped her lips

"So you're defending her? why? She's soo gross i'm surprized she even comes to school NO ONE LIKES HER"

"Yeah..You're right. I don't know why i said that." The soft voice spoke more aggressively this time

"Hey FREAK Stop walking!" Mindy called

As she spoke i walked faster.

"Freak! Stop We need to talk." Mindy Anonymous her footsteps getting louder.

I finally reached my house, got out my key and let myself in. My brother had two of his friends over again that means my mom won't be home tonight. Again.

"Hey brat go make dinner" Matt called at me

"No." I call back as I head to the basement

"I have friends over and none of us want to make something, go make us food." He replies

"Just because mom isn't hear doesn't make you the boss Matt. Go order a pizza" I holler back already halfway down the stairs.

I throw my bag on my queen sized bed and turn on my stereo. I take off my shoes and sweatshirt then lay on the floor in front of the speakers. The beat runs through my bones letting my escape this cruel world and be sucked in by the lyrics. Right as I start to relax one of Matt's friends throw my door open and walks in

"Hey, the pizza is here." He says as he turns my stereo off

"Thanks, ill be up in a bit." I say quietly sitting up and pulling my arms in against my chest to hide my scars.

His deep brown eyes stare at me for a minute. I stand up realizing Matt told him to come get me. I watch his eyes go from my eyes to my scars, I hate when people stare at them. I turn around and put my sweatshirt on and follow him upstairs to Matt.

"Here, catch" Matt yelled as he threw a plate at me.

"Damn it Matt you're lucky these are plastic" I say barely catching the plate. Matt threw a plate to his friend next to me and grab two pieces then start toward the fridge.

"Hey Steph" Matt's friend John said while leaning on the freezer side of the fridge.

"Hey" I say as I grab a grape soda from the fridge.

"So, I was thinking and since your mom isn't home tonight she probably won't be home all weekend again." He said with a calm voice

" What's your point John." I said slightly irritated I knew where this was going.

"We're having a party here tomorrow night and we need you to stay in your room or get lost for the night" He spoke more aggressively

"I'll stay in my room this time, last time you idiots had a party I was locked out until 4 in the morning." I said walking to the basement door.

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