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So the dark one has your heart and you can't control your actions.

Her idea is for you to make the ex-dark one a hero by getting him to properly wield a sword and be able to fight. (Even though villains can wield swords just as well and it isn't like Rumple hasn't sword fought before...but that's a whole other lesson.)

So instead of trying to use tactics that would leave someone thinking you were in your right mind you break and enter into the ex-Evil Queen's office and steal her son's book so that you can figure out how to piss of the man that as of about seven weeks ago was the person that every person in Storybrooke save Belle was deadly afraid of.

THEN  you break in to said guy's house to steal the symbol of his true love.

You know they say that fear can override logic but...really?

And now Amy Manson's Twitter feed is more than likely filled with threats from rumbellers like myself...

She can join the oncers hate my character's actions club with Bex and Sean...

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