So last night, my friends and I had a sleepover and watched A Nightmare on Elm Street. Is it wrong that we thought the movie was hilarious. Not kidding. Especially with the Closed Captioning.... [raspy breathing] [water dripping] we were laughing our heads off. Especially with all the pAsta sauce. Don't ask. We also watched the most boring movie ever, the Shining. I mean, it is a horror movie, but they need to get to the point. Three hours of talking is BORING. Anyways, goodbye and happy raspy breathing.
Random things that come to mind- PJO and HP style
Random"THIS IS AN AWESOME RANDOM PJO AND HP FANDOM BOOK TH- " *crash in the distance* "Leo, Stolls, and the weasly twins stop it......" "But-" "No this is my "story" but you will be included "YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" ...