Chapter One: Foreign Ties

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Although Natsu had spent his entire life in this castle, he still walked around like it wasn't his house.

The size. It was just too big.

Often, he would think about a more comfortable place, a small, forest cottage on the edge of the Fiore border.
The house where he grew up.

The house from which Zeref ran away.

He sighed, once again scolding himself for thinking of the brother he so longed to hug and knock unconscious at the same time.

Natsu stuffed his hands in the pocket of his black and fire tunic, avoiding a certain someone.

"Natsu!" Called that 'certain someone'
He ungracefully turned, his feet catching together. He unleashed his hands from his pockets as he unceremoniously landed on his ass in front of his father.

Igneel sighed. "Natsu-"

"I'm fine dad."

Igneel stretched out an arm, and his son took it. Standing face to face, the king towered about a half a foot over his 18-year-old.

He cleared his throat. "Natsu, we need to talk"

Then Natsu's brain began whirling. About what??

He followed his father to his office, separate from the throne room. It was in the center most part of the castle. The familiar dented metal doors greeted them like an old friend.
Natsu would punch these doors when he was young, and didn't know how to use his fire correctly. It was great practice for imagining Zeref's face while he punched.

They sat facing each other in two twin couches.

"So, dad.." Natsu said after a minute of silence.

Igneel cleared his throat once more.
"Son, I know it hasn't been easy since the passing of your mother, or since Zeref ran away. Family has always meant just you and me.."

"Your remarrying!?!" Natsu blurted.

Igneels face turned slack, then burst into laugh lines  as he doubled over. Natsu didn't see the humor in it.
"No, no Natsu. I'm not getting remarried."


The tension grew with lac of sufficient answers.

"What then!?" He demanded.

"Natsu," Igneel started, leaning back into his chair once more. "You know how long I've been king. I'm getting older. And your the heir. I might have survived this long without a queen. But it didn't start that way-"

"Woah woah woah..are you-"

Igneel cut him off with a motion of his hand.

"Natsu, I've arranged for you to meet the princess of Entail, Lucy Heartfilia. If you each other, then I wholeheartedly approve of your marriage."



Holy sugar honey ice tea.

"But I don't even know her!" Natsu yelled, standing up. His fiery temper was getting the better of him.

"Dad, I'm only 18! Please don't make me do this- not-"

But Igneel started to cough violently, Nash rushed to his side, helping Igneel to ease into the couch.

"Please, Natsu. Won't you try? For me?"

Natsu growled, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms.

"Alright, dad, alright. I'll try."

Igneel closed his eyes and smiled. Natsu stood over his resting father, just then noticing how much older he seems to have gotten in the past months.
Hints of grey in his hair, the wrinkle lines suddenly appearing on his face;
Natsu left the room with a faint click of the door.

He entered his room, still silent, until his back pressed against the back of his bedroom door. He slid down it, resting the crown of his head back, his right arm resting on his knee.

"Marriage" he whispered, and closed his eyes.

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