Chapter Nine: FAIRY TAIL

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The night air was brisk.

Zeref paced the dull, broken marble floors of the throne room.


He wasn't strong enough yet.

Zeref's hands clenched behind his back as he walked, back and fourth, back and fourth. The palace was wrecked--

Beams broken in two, belongings scattered about, windows shattered, their fragments still littering he floor, seeming to cut Zeref without even touching him. Because that princess-


No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Zeref relaxed his hands.

Natsu will be fine. He will become stronger....

Strong enough to kill Zeref.


The night air cooled Lucy as she sat on the top step of the front stairs. Fiore was a beautiful city.

Not too big, but not too small, either. And very pretty to watch at night.

"I overheard that there was going to be a festival the day after tomorrow—do you think it's safe to go?"

Natsu appeared beside Lucy, biting into an apple and sitting next to her on the step. He chewed and swallowed, replying

"I don't know. Half of me really wants to explore---I haven't been out of the castle grounds in, well, years...but at the same time I worry."
Natsu's voice rose an octave as he stared at her with worried eyes.

"Zeref could be tracking us down right now....and if he would have an opportunity to take you at the festival and I wasn't there--"

"Natsu," she breathed, softly laying her hand on his tense shoulder. "If it worries you that much, then we don't have to go. I know your still in mourning, too."

Natsu hung his head lower at the mention of his father's death, there always seeming to be a dark cloud hanging over him.

"Thanks, princess."

She slapped his arm.

"I told you it's Lucy." She grumbled playfully, lightening the air instantly. Natsu flung his apple core into the bushes, turning his head to grin as response.

They sat in silence for a little while, watching the city and listening to sounds unfamiliar to both of them.

"I'll think about the festival." Natsu suddenly blurted. His gaze was, oddly enough, transfixed on the building across from him. Lucy's chocolate eyes wandered to his face in surprise.

"Wait, really?"

Natsu nodded, his flush hidden by the darkening sky and lack of sufficient light around the house. For some reason, Lucy got the chills.

"Okay" she whispered, more to herself than anything. Getting up, and finally gaining Natsu's gaze, she turned to the front door of the house.

"I'll..see what we have to eat." She said, to Natsu, this time.

Natsu turned back around. "Allright,..I'll...come in in a bit."

Lucy's worried look stayed on her face throughout the house to the kitchen, where she looked through the cabinets for something to eat.


Natsu's hands rubbed vigorously around his face.

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