Finding My Brother

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Leo's P.O.V.

I run across the roof tops looking for my younger brother. I can't believe he didn't tell us! We could have helped. But right now I need to find him. I don't have that much time it's already 12:00 I only have until 1:00.

Where is he?! He is not in any of our patrol spots, and we patrol everywhere. And I mean everywhere! I have come to a lose, I don't know where he could be. I could have sworn he went topside, then again he could have stayed in the sewers. I don't know- wait! Donnie put a tracking app on all of our phones I can use that! Yeah I know it sounds weird to track each other, but it's only in case one of us gets hurt or captured. With this we will know where to go if one of us needs to be rescued. I can use it for this.

Well I found him, turns out he is in the sewers. I'm an idiot! I wasted all this time when I could have just looked on my phone. Well can't think of that now, I have to find Raph.

I run back into the sewers, my phone says that he is in this really old tunnel, it's one that we never go in. When I get to the tunnel I see Raph, he doesn't look good. He is twitching and is hugging his knees to his chest. I can't stand see my little brother in pain like this.

"Raph are you ok?" I say. Raph jumps and looks terrified.

"P-Please stay away! I-I'm ganna hurt you!" Raph tried to back away. I walk up to him and grab his shoulders, I shake him.

"Raph, Raph, please snap out of it you don't have much time!" I say. Raph stopped struggling against me and he looks at me.

"L-Leo I'm scared." Raph says, he starts to cry. I hug him, I hate seeing him like this. He is still twitching uncontrollably. "I have hallucination, Donnie and Mikey get hurt because they aren't ready. I can't control my anger. Everytime I get mad it's like I'm trapped inside my self and can't get out. I can't control what I do, I can't control what I say. I can see everything that happens, but no matter how hard I try I can't control it. I didn't mean to throw Donnie and Mikey earlier, that wasn't my choice, it wasn't me." Raph says he pulls away and looks. "Leo help me! Make this go away! Help me Leo! Help m-"

Raph stopped his eyes dialated. This isn't good, Raph jumps up.

"What are you doing here?! What do you want?! Isn't it clear I didn't want to be followed?! Aaaaahh!!" Raph yells he tries to throw a punch at me, I grab his fist.

"Raph snap out if it!" I say, now is not a good time for him to go crazy. I have to get him back to Donnie lab before it's to late.

Raph breaks my grip on his hand and stars to attack again. We don't have time for this! There is only one way I will be able to get Raph back to the lair. I pull out one of my katanas.

"I'm sorry Raph." I take my katana and hit Raph in the head with the handle of it. Raph falls to the ground, yup I knocked him out. Man do I feel bad, but it was the only way.

I pick Raph up and pull him over my shoulder. I start to run to the lair, I hope I'm not to late.

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