Chapter 29 - Shoaling

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Owatonna, MN:

Maude walked down the corridor shoulder to shoulder with Sookie. When they reached a juncture in the halls the Queen gestured toward the turn that would lead to the rooms Maude had intended for the telepath's use.

"You look much better than when I last saw you," Maude said with a quick sideways glance. When Sookie glanced back at her with a smile Maude continued. "How is my friend Lydia? Does she seem to be doing well?"

"Lydia is just wonderful people," Sookie replied. "I try to talk with her every day."

Maude looked kindly at the younger woman. "I remember you telling me that having someone to discuss things with might have helped you with some of the problems you were having; talking might have helped ease your burden."

"I was right," she said and she shook her head and glanced at Maude, "I wasn't in Eric's room, was I?"

"No," Maude answered, "You were not."

"Possible it was just a mix-up?" Sookie looked hopeful.

Maude nodded more to herself. "It's possible." Maude looked down, her face serious as she asked, "Who told you to go there?"

"Karin," Sookie responded. "I asked where Eric was staying and she offered to show me to his room."

Maude considered before answering. "It is possible it was a mistake then. My servants were only recently aware of the final chamber assignments. It is possible that Karin heard incorrectly."

Maude smiled and moved on, continuing to the end of the hall and opening the door to Sookie's chamber. "As luck would have it, your Eric is directly across the hall." Maude winked at her, "But you won't need to use these public doors." Maude walked into the room past the bed and to the far end of the bedchamber. There she unlocked and opened another solid door: The soft sounds of night filtered into the room.

Maude stepped through and Sookie followed her onto a large wood plank deck. The edges of the platform were lit by soft solar lights. There were wooden chaise chairs covered with soft cushions and steps that led down to what appeared to be fields beyond. The night was filled with the sound of spring peepers. Sookie heard an owl and looked up at the sky full of stars and a crescent moon high overhead. Sookie shivered just a little and wrapped her arms around herself.

"Your rooms share this deck. And if you look around," Maude gestured with her arm, "this wing is isolated from the rest of the house. You will have your privacy here."

Sookie found herself staring at the Minnesota Queen as realization hit her. "You know about Eric and me. Even before you found me tonight? How?"

Maude smiled. "I could tell you that I'm telepathic but that wouldn't be true. I just found out yesterday. Russell Edgington was told by Mr. Cataliades. Russell told the monarchs here because we needed to know." Maude reached out and briefly touched Sookie's cheek. "We are with you both, we kings and queens of Amun. We will do what we can to bring you both home."

Sookie felt her heart clench a little and her throat tightened. She looked at the deck and the chairs. She looked at the door that led from the room that was across from her own. She felt her lips pull up into a smile and she released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for both of us."

Maude smiled and glanced back toward the house. "I would suggest that until your Viking joins you that you remain in your room. I have guards patrolling the perimeter of the property but it's still probably better to be cautious." Maude gave Sookie an arch look, "Course once your Viking does arrive I'd expect the guards will be well off in the distance. Don't feel like you have to hold back on our account!"

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