Chapter 33 - Broaching

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Broaching: A sudden instability in the heading of a sailboat when sailed downwind


Sookie stretched like a cat, her arms above her and her neck arching back. She reached for the switch and then turned on her side to look at her Viking in the soft light. There was something about his stillness that was eerie but even this way; in his day rest he was magnificent. Sookie shook her head. It all didn't seem real. She was with Eric. They were together. He was in love with her. Sookie kissed her lover's still forehead and whispered, "Please don't be a dream."

Officially she was registered to a room near those occupied by Mississippi. No one seemed fooled. Russell had asked that she join him at seven the following evening and wished both she and Eric a good night before leaving them in the lobby of the hotel. Of course after Kentucky's reception Sookie figured that news of their being together was already all over the vampire community. She remembered her Gran's scoffing at those who spent too much time gossiping. She wondered what Gran would have made of vampires. For creatures so old and full of themselves they gossiped more than any group of oldsters sitting around a card table. The heads had turned and the whispers had followed Eric and Sookie both during and after Bubba's performance.

Sookie glanced at the clock. She had a couple hours before Eric awoke. She leaned over and picked up the room service menu and ordered a large salad and some tea. Then she flopped back in bed allowing herself a few more minutes of rest.

Bubba had been in rare form. While he had done a little dancing most of his numbers had been slower and sweet. When he sang 'I Can't Help Falling in Love With You,' he had turned and sang it directly to the couple. Eric had held Sookie's hand in his and smiled at her. In the low lights and surrounded by the sound of the piano and Bubba's voice, Sookie had almost forgotten that their position had them on full display. Eric's eyes had been so happy and then he must have heard something he didn't like because suddenly he looked angry. Sookie had asked what was wrong but he just shook his head and brought her hand to his lips. Sookie had forgotten it until just now. She wondered if it was worth asking him about.

"Well, can't spend all day lizard lounging," Sookie said out loud. She rolled to the side of the bed and walked to the closet. Of course her things were here.

Eric, always pragmatic, had shrugged when she asked if she shouldn't keep her clothes in her official room for appearance sake. "Why create extra work? Everyone knows you are mine now. They may assume I am luring you back to Narayana, which plays well for us."

Sookie headed for the shower. She had just finished wrapping herself in one of the hotel's bathrobes when the knock came. Sookie made sure the bedroom door was securely closed before walking through the sitting area to the suite door. Soon the telepath was sitting at the table enjoying the view of the Cumberland River. Truth be told she felt better knowing Eric was close. Sookie realized she had become accustomed to having a constant companion.

Thalia was gone again. She was taking Bubba to Dallas where he would be visiting Stan. Bubba and Stan had somehow developed a true friendship. The story Bubba told Sookie was that they both loved pinball machines. Stan apparently had a large room that housed more than a few of the classic models and the two of them would play for hours.

Thalia had warned Eric that 'the breather' needed constant supervision. Eric had promised that he would be especially vigilant and had run his fingers along the underside of Sookie's breast making her shiver and earning him a punch in the arm. "I will be back in two days. Don't go looking for trouble," Thalia had told her. Sookie hadn't been fooled one minute and had hugged the smaller woman to her hard.

"Hurry back, friend. I'll be looking over my shoulder for you."

"Most people are afraid when they say that about me," Thalia had said with a straight face. Then her eyes had warmed just a bit, she had bowed and was gone.

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