About the past

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???(girl) POV
I wake up and walk upstairs to ask the lady something. I see her cooking breakfast for what seems a whole village.
"Um may I ask for your name? And what village this is?" I ask her.
"This is Phoenix Drop, my village, I'm Aphmau." She replies
"Wait,?! THE Phoenix Drop! Known to protect the villages in their alliance?!"
"Why yes? Who told you that?"
"M-my...father...h-he was my village...leader."
"Oh...I'm sorry"
"That's alright, have you meet my boyfriend, his name is Zachary, oh where are my manners... I'm Alissa."
She hums while cooking? How odd...my mother used to do that... I start to cry. She asks me if I'm alright. I tell her my whole past and all she does is nods. My boyfriend then wakes up and I notice something is wrong. I excuse myself and him for a moment.
"Zach what's wrong?"
"What do you mean?"
"Your eyes...their...r-red."
"Zach what happened in that fire!?!"
I start to cry again
"Why won't you answer me?!"
I storm out and decide to go to their docks.
Zachary's POV
I couldn't tell her what happened because in the fire I-I killed her father and obtained my immortality. I don't feel different, not like I want to rule over something. I'm not sure if she told the lady(he doesn't know Aphmau yet) that I was head guard. Or that I'm a shadow knight.
Garroth's POV
I can hear the door shut and I run downstairs. Aphmau stands there shocked and I ask her what happened she says that Alissa stormed out.
"Oh yea Alissa is the girl who came yesterday and Zachary is her boyfriend. I think they had a fight or something."
"Want breakfast?"
"Is that even a question?!" I playfully tell her.
After breakfast we take a walk with levin and Malachi to the plaza. She looks so beautiful when her hair is being reflected by the sun. I quickly kiss her.
"Garroth what was that for?"
"You just looked so beautiful..."
Aphmau's POV
"You just looked so beautiful..."
Awww I loved him so much. Our wedding was changed to next year. I can't wait! Why does he have to be so hawt. I went to the plaza because I needed something special, a new dress. It was almost Christmas and I have nothing to wear. I wanted to see if Cadenza opened her shop. Although Christmas is like two months away... She isn't there I tell Garroth that we should ask Zoey if she can watch the kids so that we could go on a date.
"Hey Zoey could you watch the kids tonight?"
"Of course Aphmau!"
"Ok thanks Zoey, levin Malachi behave or no ice cream tomorrow."
"Yes mommy"
"Ok mom"
-time skip to end of the date-(this might get graphic 😅
Garroth's POV
I'm so tired. I walked Aphmau to her house but before we got there she tackled me and started kissing me I didn't scream I enjoyed every second of it. I kissed back of course. I moved my tongue so that she would give me entrance, she let me in. Anything in between that time is all kept secret. When we finished I think I gave her a little bruse from when she tackled me. I felt lucky being engaged to her, it was the best.

Heheheheh.....sorry for the graphics 😂😂😅😅I just wanted to do it.. My YouTube channel is nerdy cupcake please subscribe or something my Instagram is _jasmine.com_
I luv all you support thanks I HAVE 192 READS?!?!?!! Omg thanks so so so much!!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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