21. It's A Trap!

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"Arla!" Alabaster called to you from the front door of the empty cabin. You don't want to talk to him at the moment, but you you can't resist him. "O-over here!" You sniffle, crawling out from under your bunk. "They tricked me!" You sob, thinking about how the mean Hermes cabin members trapped you in a cave during the capture the flag game... and my magic still didn't come, it never did! You thought you'd never escape. "Hey, I'm here... they'll never trap you again, not while I'm around!" Alabaster stated, pulling you into a hug. "I love you too, and I promise no one will trap you either!" You said, a smile on your face.

"Arla! Behind you!" Nico shouted, pulling Arla from her thoughts as he throwing a dagger at the monster that was about to impale her. Seconds later, Bekah shot an arrow through the closest beasts chest, only slowing it down. Everyone ducked and scattered as the monsters charge, giving Lamia time to walk away, cackling.

"Joran!" Bekah yelled as a spear flew past, missed Joran's face by only centimeters.

"Don't worry, he's got this!" Ash said jokingly from the other side to the defensive circle the team had fallen into.

"Watch your front Ash!" Phoebe yelled, taking down the first of the twenty beasts, a large giant that was impaled on her spear.

"Nice one!" Bekah yelled as she swung her bow around to focus on another of the lumbering monsters. "Keep it up!"

The fighting grew more intense as the monsters closed in on the small group. Blows landed left and right as the desperate demi-gods dodged the reign of fire. Nico stood very still and seconds later the ground began to shake and crack as skeletons clawed their way to the surface. One large giant fell into the growing sink hole and was dragged down into the ground.

"Bekah! Behind me!" Joran yelled, pulling Bekah back to safety as she continued to shoot one arrow after another.

"Thanks." She said, notching another arrow and shooting it at a charging monster.

Now, after ten minutes of intensive fighting, there were still ten beasts standing. Arla ran at the closest one, jumping over its low set weapon and stabbing its eye. Nico jumped next to arla and together they brought down the giant. Skeletons were everywhere, killing most of the remaining monsters. It looked like they just might win this battle.

"Phoebe! Get down!" Ash yelled, knocking Phoebe out of the way of a monsters sword... but getting hit in the process.

"Ash...NO!" Phoebe yelled, charging the monster with so much anger she began to glow red, the blessing of Ares. In less than a second the monster was dead and Phoebe ran back to were Ash lay, in a pool on his own blood.

"Ash... you-you promised me you'd be safe." Phoebe sobbed quietly.

"I-I'd do anything for you princess, some people are just worth dying for..." Ash lay barely conscious as Phoebe held his still form.

"Nico, get him out of here!" Arla yelled as she slashed another monster, everyone was in a rage now. "And take Phoebe with him!"

Nico nodded and seconds later they were gone, enveloped in a whirl of smoke, leaving only a sickly river of blood behind. Aiyana became slightly frantic as she tried to find her owner, but she quickly turned back to the battle, growling menacingly. Together Marrok and Aiyana jumped forward, sinking their fangs and claws into the neck of a monster.

Now only two giants remained. Each beast was twelve feet tall and brandished swords and rocks as they moved to surround the tired group of five.

"Come at us ugly, you're both about to die!" Bekah raged as she shot arrow after arrow into the first monster. The second monster moved behind the group and Marrok, Aiyana, and Joran charged it. Arla stood very still for a second, willing the right words to come... finally they did.

"Et cadent in inferioribus terrae monstra!" Arla yelled, a green fog inveloping the beasts as they fought to escape. "No escape for you!" Arla said menacingly as the monsters were sucked into the ground.

"Very good!" Said a mocking voice. The remaining demi-gods swung towards the sound... It was Lamia.

The friends were completely exhausted, breathing heavily and shaking slightly as the adrenaline finally wore off. "Give. Me. Back. My. Brother!" Arla yelled angrily at the serpent that called herself a daughter of Hecate.

"Oh... you'd like that wouldn't you- ah, not a step closer sis! Lamia yelled, a look of pure glee spreading over her face. Arla stopped moving and stood glaring up at the monster.

"So what now?" Arla yelled as her arms glowed bright green.

"Oh, I thought that would be obvious?" The serpens said mockingly. "You give me the potion... And I might spare little brother here!"

Bekah and Joran both looking at Arla, willing her to use the potion now... but she was to unsure of herself. What if I fail? Was all she could think.

"Your times up!" Lamia cackled as she slithered towards the barely breathing Alabaster.

"Wait!" Arla shouted, moving a few steps closer. "I'll give it to you!" Arla exchanged glanced with her friends and Bekah nodded, a sly smile playing on her lips as Joran nodded.

"Glad you finally came to your senses." The monster sniffed snootily as she glided towards the group.

"Now!" Joran whispered to Bekah. The daughter of Aphrodite turned to face the creature, readied herself... and charm spoke. "You will give Alabaster back!" Bekah stated in a matter of fact voice, confusing the serpent.

While Bekah distracted Lamia, Arla pulled the potion vile from her locket. Arla took a deep breath and got ready to use the potion her mother had taught her to use when-

"Aah!" Joran yelled, Lamia's tail twisting around his torso, crushing him slowly.

"You didn't really think your puny charm speak would work against me? Did you!" Lamia laughed evilly as Joran screamed in pain.

"NO! STOP!" Bekah screamed with such force that everyone and everything stopped for a split second, unsure of what to do.

Bekah however, did not hesitate. Pulling he dagger from her side she threw it at the monster's tail. It embedded itself deep into the scaly flesh. Lamia shouted in rage and dropped Joran to the ground with a sickening thud.

Arla ran forward and pulled Joran to safety while Bekah rained down arrows on the twisted creature. "NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS!" Bekah screamed as Lamia retreated a few steps, startled by Bekah's sudden violence.

After slithering back to shelter, the monster decided to end this. Looking over at a pile of rocks, she enchanted them and they flew towards Bekah, causing her to run and try to doge them.

"Protega!" Arla yelled, pointing at the stones as tendrils of green magic shot out. Sadly, Lamia was faster, and a large rock hit Bekah before the shield stopped the rest of the rocks from hitting her.

"Bek-Bekah, is she alright." Joran asked weakly as he tried to move to help her. Bekah crawled shakily towards Joran, who held her in his arms as she lay near death.

"I'll send you all to safety, I don't want any one else hurt for me!" Arla whispered as she stood slowly, she only had less than a minute before her 'sister' got out of hiding.

"Ianuae Magicae Sospitate!" Arla thought of the safest place she had every known... Camp Half Blood, they'd be safe there. Arla also transported Aiyana and Marrok out, she couldn't bare to see them hurt.

"So sister!" Lamia said in a horse voice, Arrows sticking from her flesh and Bekah's dagger still sticking from her tail. "It's just you me and Alabaster now... A family reunion." The monsters said sarcastically as she glided slowly towards Arla. "Won't that be fun!"

A.N./ The picture is of Bekah and Joran.

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