Hospital Visit

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                                                                         Alison's POV

                          "Here you are darlin'" i greeted Kyle as i brought him his bowl of Ramen noodles.

                       "Thank you Alison, can i ask you something?"


                          "Yeah sure anything" i replied.

                          "Wha-what happened whe-when you-you f-f-found me? Wha-wha-what was happening? All-all I remember is bla-black-blacking out after they abducted me f-f-from your house" he stuttered out and shuttered at the word abducted.

                   I sighed a little then answered "when i found you, they were beating the shit out of you on the beach and you were bleeding everywhere and i didnt know what to do so i knocked them all out and called 911....can you explain to me why they were trying to kill you?" i asked scared to know the answer.

                 "Im-Im not su-suppo-supposed to tell anyone bu-but it wa-was my brothers gang" he said scared as he spoke each word, "their-their not here right?" he asked suddenly.

            "no" i answered "the-the police took them to the jail....but i thought you said your brother was a good guy?"

             "He u-used to be but then he ma-made friends with a gan-gang of people and try-tried to force me to j-j-join him but i re-refused and since then ive been hunted down by him....tough-tough love i gu-guess you could say" he explained faking a smile. "When he gets out of j-jail he'll be look-looking for both of us so-so your house isnt safe"

           "They told me your brother and his ga-gang arent getting out of jail for 5 years"  i shuttered at  the word gang.

          "They'll find a way to get out earlier...they always do" he anounced quietly in a scary tone that made me shiver.

        We continued eating our ramen noodles in silence. After an hour passed they released him into my hands. We got into my car and i turned on my new Falling In Reverse CD.

                  "I heard a knock upon my door the other day I opened it to find death staring in my face the feel of mortal stalking still reverberates everywhere I go I drag this coffin just in case" blasted through my speakers. After the song ended i turned down the volume to almost mute and turned to Kyle.



                  "I love you"

                 "I wish I could love you back"

                                                                     KYLES POV

               "Why did i just say that? Why could'nt i just say i love you too? Oh yeah, because eventually i'll have to leave her! If only there was a way i could stay with her forever, without having anyone interupt me and first true love. Now she probally hates me and thinks im a complete ducherocket...fabulous just fabulous. Shane why did you and mom have to ruin my life." I screamed in my mind

              "I've lost my god damn mind, It happens all the time, I cant believe I'm actually meant to be here, trying to consume, the drug in me is you and I'm so high on misery cant you see" I heard this silently escape the speakers...figures this would be the line i hear.

                "Kyle what do you mean you wish you could love me back?" she sounded enraged...i guess thats what happens when you dont say i love you back.

                  "Alison look i really love you, with all my heart its true! But with my messed up life i feel like the line of the song where it goes  'I got these questions always running through my head
So many things that I would like to understand If we are born to die and we all die to live Then whats the point of living life if it just contradicts? I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house I wrestle with my thoughts I shook the hand of doubt Running from my past im praying feet dont fail me now!' I DONT DESERVE ANYONE AS GOOD AS YOU! DONT YOU GET IT" i accidently screamed while tears streamed down my face " YOUR SO MUCH BETTER THEN ME! YOU DESERVE SOMEONE SO MUCH BETTER!" She was still driving but i pushed open my passanger side door and ran away, i dont know where im headed off to next, but i hope i dont break another girls heart wherever it is.


OKAY so im having thoughts about this chapter do you think its good? If its not good i could always rewrite plus i wrote the kyle pov at 1AM (look what i do for you people! jk jk) so it may not be my best? feedback is always appreciated!!! Thank you for reading!!!

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