I've Missed You

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                                                           ALISON'S POV


               I have to get out of here before kyle finds out I'm lying. Its not that i dont trust him, I just haven't been the same since my dad "left", I haven't been able to tell anyone. I was knocked out of my thoughts when i saw kyle walk in. I quickly shut my eyes and pretended i was asleep.

                "Ally baby i know your not sleeping i just watched you quickly shut your eyes" He said chuckling.

             I opened my eyes "fine you caught me," I said with a cutsy pout oon my face, "What do you want?" I asked in a semi-annoyed tone. I must sound bi-polar...oh well.

             "I want to find a place for you and me to be safe" He replied.

            "What are you talking about keep me safe?" I asked confused.

           "I'm talking about keeping you away from your mom, Alayna told me. Baby im going to do all in my power to keep you safe. I have some saved up money and we can get a small apartment together" he was being so sincere I couldnt even be mad at Alayna. I was getting away from mother monster!!

                                                                 KYLE'S POV

                       I cant belive it, its just going to be me and Ally.

                      "Visting hours are over" a young unnatrual red head nurse announced.

                     "No i stay overnight"

                     "You shouldn't be," the woman sneered at me, she reminded me of Amber," only the people over the age of 18 can stay if their not a patient"

                        "BUT IM ALL SHE HAS!!"" I yelled.

                        "security" she said into her walkie talkie.

                       "Security won't be necessary. He is all i have. My dad was murdered and who the hell knows where my mom is. I live with him, he's my family." Alison broke out with tears in her eyes, her beutiful blue eyes.

                       "fine he can stay" She reluctantly agreed.

                       The bitch left and i turned to Alison,"Hey baby im going to get something to eat do you want anything?"

                       "yeah, can you please get me some water" She replied.

                      "Anything for my baby" I said and smiled a toothy grin.

                      I took the elevator down which wouldhave been alot quicker if people didnt keep coming on and going to different levels. Finally I got downstairs and was texting Alison making sure my baby didnt want anything else when i felt something hard in my path. I looked up to find I had bumped into a doctor. Whoops.

                     "I'm so sorry Dr.....ummm" I looked down and read his name tag, "Dr.Strychacz?"

                    "No its pronoun- how did you know thats how you pronounce my name nobody ever knows how to pronounce my name?"

                     "I'll answer your question, if you dont mind, if i may ask if you were married to a Kathryn Reiss?"

                    "Yes, I was how do you know these things about me?" He asked quite concerned.

                     "Because im Kyle Strychacz, well Reiss now....dad?" Then he came over and we hugged, a very professional, but emotional hug.

                      "Why are you here?" He asked me while wiping away tears  from his blue eyes.

                       "My girlfriend is really hurt, her mother is like mom on steriods...not literally but figurativly," I said remembering finding her at her house when i thought she was dead.

                        "You have a girlfriend...man i really missed alot of your life didnt i?" He said crushed.

                        "you missed my whole life...but your still better then mom....and yeah heres a picture of Alison" I said as i pulled out my phone and showed him the picture i secretly took of her while she was sleeping(because she hates getting her picture taken),

                        "You must really love her," He responded.

                        "How can you tell?" I asked.

                         "One you didnt leave her," He said chuckling to himself, "and i can just see it in your eyes....well i have to get back to work and you should get back to alison." He said and gave me a piece of paper with a number on it, "Call me sometime, this was nice." Then he walked away just like he did on that day.

                                                                         **flash back**

                     "TOM!!!" My mother screeched.

                     "What Kathryn?!" He asked in a nice calm tone.

                     "SHUT THIS DRUNK ACCIDENT UP" S he yelled back.

                     I was just a toddler, only 3 years old, I didnt know what was going on yet i was blamed for her misery. She grabbed her black leather jacket.

                      "Where the Hell do you think your going Kathryn?!"

                      "I THINK IM GOING TO FIND A MAN WHO CAN SHUT THIS PIECE OF SHIT UP!" She yelled. I cried louder at the sound of her voice in the tone.


                       "THEN LEAVE WHATS STOPPING YOU?!"

                       "DEFINETLY NOT YOU!" He yelled as he pushed her to the ground and walked out. All the sudden everything was silent and i saw my mom cry, Ive never seen my mom cry before.

                         "Moma" I said as i layed down next to her, giving her a shoulder to cry on.

                        "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She yelled as she pushed me into the kitchen where i hit my head and cut it open. I should have gotten stiches but because my mom is my mom she just left me there because i was silent....I was in a coma.

                                  *******AUTHORS NOTE********

        So what do you guys think?!?!?! Was it worth the wait? Please Comment, vote and get it out to other people!!! I think this is my favorite chapter so far!! What do oyu guys think?

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