Chapter 1-( Moving Schools)

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Moving Schools- Chapter 1

Casey’s P.O.V

Leaving my school (my home)…it’s not something I thought I’d be doing yet. I mean, I have left for little periods of time but permanently… I’m not sure how I feel about that. True, I’m going to live with my father in his boarding school. One problem though, I’ve never met him before…. Due to some stupid custody agreement dad got my twin sister Carly and my brother Carter and mum got me Casey.

The meaning of my name is what I grew up to be. It means Brave and Watchful. At least that’s what my mum says. I can tell a lot about a person by just looking at them, and I am always aware of the surroundings even if I’m focusing on something else. Nothing escapes my watchful eyes.

The funny thing is both my parents now are head teachers of boarding schools, and although they’ve never met there’s an unsaid rivalry between them. Mum raised me to be the best I can be. She took me on missions with her in the holidays and always encouraged me to participate and air my views. I’ve even met the director of the C.I.A mum’s boss. He isn’t as bad as I thought he’d be…

I looked into the faces of all the students in the school waving at me from the front steps of the school and smiled inside. I am really going to miss them all.

“Bye guys!” I shouted, waving at them.

“Casey! If you want to go you’d better leave now!” my mum shouted chocking a bit on the end. I sighed. My mum’s been very understanding about the whole thing but I know she doesn’t want me to go. But this is my last chance to bond with my twin sister…I’m not going to pass up the opportunity.

I grabbed the handle of my last suitcase and took one last look at my room before turning on my heels and walking out closing the door silently behind me. My mum was on the bottom step gazing at me sadly, “Come on then! I’ve got to get back.”

I stepped forward and hugged her, “If you ever need me for anything you know where I am. Yeah? Even if it’s just something simple I’m there for you to contact me. Ok?”

She sighed pulling me closer, “Yeah. I know. Let’s go!” she took my suitcase of me and pulled it out to the car. I stood by the car door looking up at the large mansion sized school.

“Casey!” someone shouted behind me. I turned to find my three best friends in the world rushing down the large steps of the school, their hair blowing in the wind.

“We’re going to miss you!” they yelled pulling me into a group hug. I patted them on the back softly, “I’ll miss you too!” tears threatened to overflow but I kept them at bay. I suppose that’s one advantage of spy training-controlling your emotions.

“You’ll be back right? It’s just a year? It better be young lady!” my best friend Sasha declared. I laughed to myself- she’s the responsible caring type, sometimes annoying. She’s a stickler for proper English and acting like a lady.

The other students are forever yelling at her to shut-up and declaring they’ll do as they please, which results in some hard workouts in hand-to-hand combat in training.

“Of course! See you soon ok?” I hugged them all once again before getting into the car with my mom and driving off. I turned around and waved them off until they went out of sight.

This is a good idea I reassured myself. What could go wrong? Just a year… my mental tirade was interrupted by my mum.

“You know Casey I don’t get why you’re going to the fuss of hiding your true self at your dad’s school. I mean he will love you for who you are not your abilities or connections” she tried this a dozen times already. I sighed inwardly.

“Mother” I noticed her glance at me sharply, and I grinned she hates it when I call her that, “It’s really not that difficult to understand really! I just want him to love me for who I am not because of what I can do spy wise and whatever. I will tell them eventually like after a month. Besides you know me” I grinned at her, “I’ll probably get frustrated after a little while and give the pretence up anyway. Also it will see how good their training is, huh?” I said nudging her gently as she was driving.

She sighed but I noticed a smile playing at the corners of her mouth and grinned, “I suppose so. I still think it’s stupid though…” she trailed off as we rounded a corner and she turned sharply into an upward lane heading up onto the mountain. Dad’s school is apparently here somewhere. Of course the whereabouts of the school is only known by a few as it’s always secret but let’s just say- computers are the best invention out there. Hacking into the mainframe I’ve already studied the layout of the whole building. I must say the lower sub-levels are very impressive.

“I can’t wait to see Dad, Carter and Carly” I said excitedly glancing out of the windows. I pondered over what they would look like now. I wonder if Carly looked exactly like me. I mean we are twins right…she probably does. That’ll be annoying if we are, calling me her would be weird…but I wonder if they’ll tell me things I shouldn’t know. I laughed at that thought and my mom glanced at me with narrowed eyes. I just shook my head.

“Well honey I don’t think Carter will be there….” She trailed off suddenly and seemed to debate something.

“Well why not?” I demanded, “Where is he?”

“Oh he’s gone off on his own, you know, he’s busy” she said it so convincingly I almost didn’t detect the lie. Almost. So secrets it was…. Well I’ll find out sooner or later.  They couldn’t keep it from me someone was bound to know at the school I mean he did stay there sometimes. Right?

Well this year’s not going to be boring… I grinned in anticipation.

This was going to be fun…..


Heyyyyy! plzzz



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