Chapter 2- ( New School!)

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Chapter 2- (Arriving at Dad’s school)

I stared up the never ending road we have been steadily climbing for the past…oh I don’t know about….60 minutes! I mean really! How much more out of the way can you get! Mum had a calm face on but I knew she was just as annoyed. Her eyes were twitching- it was what she did when she got impatient. Don’t tell her I know that though! Spies aren’t supposed to let this show but she slips sometimes- only round me though because I have a habit of annoying her till she cracks so she just acts normally round me.

Finally the school came into view and my mouth fell open. WOW! It was huge, castle like. The towers stretched all around the sides. Large trees grew around the building near the windows on the second floor.

I was literally bouncing in my seat as we approached. As soon as the car stopped I almost ripped the door off in my eagerness to get out. My mum laughed at me and strode round the car to the boot before piling up my luggage on the floor¬!

I was literally bouncing around eager to see my dad and sister. I huffed impatiently when mum searched through the boot for my hold all.

“Come on mum!” I whined to her shifting from one foot to the other repeatedly, making it look like I needed to go to the bathroom. She flicked her head round to me and gave me an impatient look. I grinned at her, and she huffed turning back around to the car and shutting the boot.

“Here” she thrust the hold all into my hand’s and walked around the car, to the driver’s seat.

I looked at her confused, “Are you not coming in?”

I noticed her eyes look at the castle nervously,” Nope. I’ve got to get back to school. I’m late for a meeting. Bye honey!”

She practically jumped into the car and sped off. Lovely mother I have, I thought sarcastically. No but really she was usually but… well now how am I going to get all this into school on my own.

I stared at the luggage with an inner hope that it will just float along into the castle with me. 

“You okay miss?” a voice said from behind me, startling me. I turned around and gazed up at the gorgeous man in front of me.  OMG, he was so handsome! And he looked really young. I stood gaping at him as I debated whether he looked young enough to be a student or old enough to be a teacher. Hang on! I thought this was a school for girls? Oh well I’ll find out later…back to ogling him.   I mean he had brown hair and brown eyes that stood out as he stared at you. Although, he was shorter and more bulky than I thought he’d be. I realized then that I’d been staring at him like an idiot. So I smiled up at him and put a nonchalant expression on.

“Hello” I greeted him politely, putting on my best smile that usually gets me what I want. Thank the lord for those lessons in seduction. Boy do those come in handy, I laughed.

He blinked, “Ah you must be Casey? Our new student?” he inquired.

 I nodded, “Yes and you are?”

“Oh right I’m John Myers. Well Mr Myers to you” he smiled down at me amused as my mouth dropped due to surprise. He looked like 20! I guess he is my teacher after all. But blimy he looks young! I looked down at my suitcases and things still wondering how I was going to get it all inside.

“Sir” I said sweetly batting my eyelashes, “Would you be kind enough to help me to the main reception with my bags?”

He looked surprised and startled, “of course” he picked up one of my bags and grabbed the handle of one of my suitcases while I grabbed another and the rest of them. I laughed silently to myself as he pulled the bright pink suitcase behind him.

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