Chapter 11

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Dianna reluctantly made her way to school the next morning, and many mornings afterward. Leaning on the tree in front of her yard one morning, as the school bus coasted to a stop near her house she quickly got on and wasted to time getting to an empty seat at the back of the bus. "Well, look who's alive." Sneered a girl about Dianna's age. "Shut it Heather." Dianna snapped sitting down as the bus started. "I've dealt with too many idiots to be bothered with you first thing this morning." Heather stood. "Excuse me?" She said getting closer. "I didn't stutter." Dianna said with a blank face. The two argued for nearly the entire, and Dianna only smiled as nearly all of Heather's comments only contradicted herself. Finally, Heather huffed, "You know what? I don't need this." She said flipping her blonde hair. "I have more Important things to do." "HA!" Dianna hawed loudly. "I'd say you didn't need all that make-up either, but uh... that'd be a lie." Heather stopped in her tracks. That was the LAST straw. Heather stood and turned to confront Dianna, but just as she did, the bus driver pressed the brake sharply, the force of which sending Heather catapulting backwards with a loud thump, her legs far over her head. Grabbing her bag, Dianna smugly stepped over Heather's body and made her way out of the bus, and onward to class. The students behind her, did the same.

Finally the bell rang for class to end. Dianna released a sigh, Dripping her bag and walking out. She opened her locker littered with pens, books, bits of paper, a pair of horribly tangled ear buds, and little packets of gum. After staring at the mess for a good ten minutes, she decided to organized a little. Once she had finished, she closed the locker only to find a friend of hers directly in her face staring eye to eye with her, with the creepiest smile. "Hey Tony." Dianna huffed, not surprised at her pal's weirdness. "Awww.." Tony groaned. "I thought I'd scare you this time." Dianna rolled her eyes at Tony, as the two began to walk. "You've done this every recess, everyday, for the past school year. I'm not surprised anymore." She snickered, being cut short as Tony elbowed her. "Looks like Senpai over there finally noticed you." He teased ticking his head slightly in a young man's direction. He leaned on a wall in a basketball uniform, close to the gym, a towel draped around his neck. He was sweating as if he'd just run a mile in a mink fur coat on June 21st, the first day of summer. Surrounded by his adoring little fan-club of girls including Heather, he droned on and on about his hundreds of trophies and medals, and how he was running out of space to keep them. He was the highschool's Heart throb, so no one was bothered my his ego, or the fact that he had nearly everyone's girlfriends following him about like lost puppies. In a way, Tony was right. He was everyone's Senpai. He stopped gloating for a moment to shoot Dianna his signature cool-guy smile. Dianna huffed in clear disinterest. "Trust me Tony, the only way Dustin will notice anyone, is if they're wearing a mirror." She said walking clean past the jock and his little harem, of course leaving Dustin utterly shocked. Tony snickered as he followed his friend. Later that day as school finally ended, Tony caught a ride home with one of his soccer teammates, and Dianna walked away from the bus. Dustin happened to glance in her direction, and called out. "Hey doll, the bus is this way." He said in a cocky tone pointing to the bus. "I'll walk." Dianna called not turning around. Dustin was never one to take no for an answer, so he ran to catch up with her. Heather was just about speak to him as he did so. She saw him bolt after Dianna, and threw a mini-tantrum. "Hey I saw you earlier today and uhm... I was tryin' to get you to come over but.. I don't think you saw me..." He said his voice trailing off a bit, as he struggled to keep up with Dianna's quickening walking pace. She had sped up to try and lose him, but failed. "Since when do you even talk to me?" Dianna hissed. "Umm... TODAY?" Dustin snapped back, stopping in front of her. "Oh come on, don't act like you aren't totally thrilled by my presence." He chuckled, then stopped. "You are, right?" "Nuh-uh." Dianna said blankly shaking her head. "Fine...." Dustin sighed "Wait right here, I'll walk past you again--" "Look bud, I'm not one of your little floosies, I've never been THAT shallow. EVER." She snarled. "Got it?" Dustin whined, and seemed to shrink back into the neck of his sweat jacket. "Y-yes Ma'am." He said softy. "Good. Now PLEASE, go home." Dianna huffed walking around him. "Dianna, listen.." He pursued her again. "I genuinely want to talk to you. I know I don't talk you you normally, but I've always thought we had a little... 'respect from a distance' thing going on... You know, neutral." Dianna sighed. He was right about that. "Talk." She said leaning on a tree. Dustin froze. "Uhm.. not here.." He scratched the back of his head becoming nervous. "Oh come on dude spit it out! I don't have time for this!" "I'm sorry! But it's something really sensitive... Something I think only you can relate to." "What are you talking about." Dianna narrowed her eye at the fine featured young man. Dustin struggled to speak, but he couldn't get the words out. At that same time Dianna heard a twig snap. At first she decided to pay it no mind, but then she remembered that the last time she ignored a sound, someone was shot. She spun around just in time to see a shady figure dart away. Was someone watching them? Eh, probably Heather. She turned back to Dustin."Ugh... Look I'll catch you later, tomorrow morning, for sure. I really need to get home." Dianna mumbled walking away. Suddenly regaining his confidence, he called out behind her. "Is that a date?" He said with a confident smile. "I have Literature with you second and third period after homeroom." Dianna sneered at him, an irritated look on her face. "Idiot." She added inaudibly under her breath. Dustin watched her walk away with a sigh. "She's a cold one..." He said with a little laugh to himself, turning back to begin the trek to his own home.

In a matter of minutes, Dianna found herself galloping through the forest as fast as her paws could carry her, howling with laughter and determination. Leaping over rocks and bushes she ran to her little heart"s content until she bumped into a young wolf, about her age. "Oolf! Oh, sorry!" She whimpered, her tail wagging slowly as the wolf turned around. "No worries, love." A black and grey female cooed before recognizing her. "Dianna?" She said with a huff prancing up to the golden female and sitting down. Dianna cocked her head to one side before speaking. She'd seen this wolf before. "Sorry, I never caught your name?" "Ashen." She answered. "You spent a little time with us on your first visit." A light grey, nearly white male approached the two with a happy whine. "And this is Bolt. He don't talk much." Ashen replied introducing him. Bolt lifted his ears at Dianna with a soft wagging of his tail, a seemingly friendly gesture. "Where have you been? Me and the boys have been looking all over for ya." Dianna settled herself down on the grass. "Ugh.. human stuff. It's had me really busy." Ashen crinkled up her face. "Ew.. really?" "Yeah..." Dianna replied nervously. She then started up again. "By the way, who are 'The Boys'?" The tawny gold she wolf asked, flicking her tail at a fly. "Eh, you know, my boys." Ashen replied putting more emphasis on the last two words. "Pals from around The Silver Legion. Maybe one or two Lunar Knights." Huffing, Dianna rolled over stretching lazily on the patch of grass she lied on. "I'm guessing most of which are males?" "All." Ashen corrected. " 'Xept for you, maybe. I don't keep female friends, just males." She said walking towards the pack's headquarters as Dianna fell into step beside her. "Less drama huh?" She asked, reflecting on her own lack of feminine companions as the three walked. "Hehe yeah, you got it." Ashen said with an approving smile. "I knew I liked ya'." She chuckled. "This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.." The dark hued female glanced at Dianna and smiled.

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