For Debra

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Quick Note: really smol ficlet for Debra on Twitter because she inspired it


"Please?" Fitz asked, voice raised an octave and eyebrows almost to his hairline. He'd requested this more times than Jemma could keep track of anymore, yet he never gave up hope, the little bugger.

"It's a ridiculously stupid idea, Fitz. We could both die."

"Well that's the whole point! The danger heightens the fun!"

"Fitz, we are not making out two feet away from an open bottle of hydrochloric acid and a fragile glass stack of mammalian feces samples."

"But the lab table," Fitz whined.


"It's elevated, and you could dangle your-"

"Not happening."

"It's not like I'm asking for some fantasy wild-"

"Stop right there," Jemma cut him off, not wanting to hear him finish that cringeworthy sentence.

"Just a few tiny kisses?" he bargained, and Jemma laughed.

"You know quite well that we can't handle 'a few tiny kisses', Fitz." He laughed, too, then moved towards the lab table in question, clearing it off using gloves.

"What are you doing?"

"Just... Cleaning up," Fitz assured her, and she barely managed to conceal her giggle.

"There's still a scent and a residue, Fitz," Jemma pointed out, already back to her computer. "Anywhere in the lab just isn't suitable."

"I know, just cleaning up," he repeated, and this time Jemma let herself throw a smirk his way.

"That's not fair!" Fitz objected, voice squeaky and a half-octave higher than normal.

"What?" Jemma returned, incredulous.

"You get to make that face and I can't make out with you on the lab table?"

"I don't see what's unfair about that."

Fitz gave her the meanest look he could muster, and she couldn't help but laugh.  "Listen, Jemma, I am a heterosexual, hormonal man.  When you go around smirking like that, well, it activates some-"

"I know the science, Fitz," she cut him off, practically giggling.

"Yeah, I know, you've got PhDs in biochemistry.  I also think about making out with you in a lab coat, but that's a different thing entirely."

"Lab coat snogging does sounds safer," Jemma commented, and Fitz's eyes widened.

"So you'll do it?!"

"But not in the lab," Jemma corrected, but Fitz was already hugging her, jumping up and down excitedly.

"I have the best girlfriend in the history of girlfriends," he announced to the empty lab, but Jemma shushed him with her mouth on his anyways.

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