Distractions Are Good

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"Fitz?" she called into the darkened lab, unsure whether or not he'd even be in there.  It was after hours, so most everyone had left, but Fitz had 24/7 access to all scientific facilities, like she did.

"Back here," he replied from the farthest corner.  He must've been up late again, working on monolith research.  At this point in time, it was a race against Hydra, and, although Hydra didn't have Fitz's brain, they were ahead.  Jemma still had trouble staying up in the lab, and Coulson didn't allow her to be involved in a lot of the research for obvious biases.  But that's not what brought her here.

"Hi," she greeted once she saw his dropping eyes fixed on her notes.  "Hard at work, I see?"

"I've got time," Fitz answered quickly, shutting her binder and lifting his eyes to her face like nowhere else would ever be more appealing.

"Course you do," said Jemma with a small smile.  She really didn't feel like smiling, but she waited patiently for him to put away his research with her lips curled up almost painfully.

When he turned back to her, she could really see the exhaustion and the subtle sadness that always lingered there.  She'd seen it on her own face, too, and she just wanted the two of them to be happy enough that their expressions stopped seeming heavy, like they were suffering every moment on this cursed planet.

Jemma looked down for a moment, playing with her fingers before looking back up and asking, "Can we get angry again?  Just for a minute?"  Fitz looked doubtful, but she stayed determined.  "We're the most understandable when we're angry.  Nobody hesitates and we don't leave things out."

"Can we just be honest with each other?" Fitz countered.  "I'm angry enough without screaming."  She nodded, then pulled a chair out and took a seat next to him.  Before Jemma started, she took a deep breath and placed a hand on Fitz's.  He flinched lightly under her touch, and it made her want to both laugh and cry.

"We're cursed," she said, voice shaking already.  Fitz stared at their joined hands with an unreadable expression.  "I thought about what you said, and I agree completely.  All those years at the academy, and our fights here, and then I fall for someone else.  You're right, the universe is against us."  She swallowed hard, then looked down, not wanting to see his pain.

"But that's never stopped us before," she finished, glancing back up to meet his teary eyes.  She flipped his hand over and clasped it with her own, leaning forward slightly.  "You suffered a terrible brain injury, but you recovered three times quicker than I ever expected.  I am a terrible liar, yet I survived weeks undercover in bloody Hydra!  Just by thinking of you."  Fitz blinked several times then let out a breath.  "Hell, I was transported light years away, made to survive on a planet with no sun, no hope, and you risked your life, and you found me!  Our love is clearly far more powerful than the cosmos, Fitz."

He was sitting tensely, not allowing himself to look at her, and pulling his hand away.  Just as she was standing up to make sure he was alright, he blurted out, "Can I kiss you again?"

"That's what I'd hoped you'd say," Jemma barely managed to sigh before pulling him up and cupping his face in her hands again, loving the feel of his arms winding their way around her hips again, his lips sliding against hers firmly.  Fitz's fingers started playing with the hem of her shirt while hers began tugging at the collar of his.  Again, Jemma's back somehow wound up pressed against the counter, Fitz pressed against her chest.

When they pulled away, it was sweeter than their first two kisses.  They stayed close while they caught their breaths, Fitz scattering feathery kisses across her cheeks as she smiled slightly.  Though there was still pain in her chest, his lips on hers were a perfect distraction.  And if she happened to wind her fingers into his hair when his lips dotted their way down her neck, well, maybe it would help her forget enough to get a good night's sleep.

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