Run or get caught

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                          Walking into the forest being a brown wolf I sniffed the ear while my ears twitches hearing Brad's pack members with animals in the forest making their noise. Sniffing again I smelt an injured deer making me growl in happiness and starts running on the forest ground with my paws. Listening to my running I kept my nose sniffing for the deer that seems to be moving slowly behind the other deer that are fast. Running faster to make sure I can get my prey I hear a few wolves howling. Shaking my head I try to push it away thinking its Brad's people and not the pack that took me once. Seeing the deer that was injured in a clearing I ran towards it seeing it stuck in something most wolves made from one pack.

                I stopped in my tracks looking around whining not trusting the forest now and started looking around the clearing for any wolf I remembered. Hearing a loud growl I let out a low growl my ears pinning back mind linking Brad hoping he gets hear soon. Going over to the deer to get it out of its misery it looked at me with its brown eyes and I immediately bit into his major blood vein killing it one bite.When I looked behind me I saw the wolf that growled me along with a few other wolves. My ears flattened down immediately and my wolf instantly lay on the ground going submissive. The alpha I knew to well went up snarling near my face making me whine. Looking at him I saw the scar near his eye where I clawed him to get free from being a slave to him and his people. He seemed to be now 6'1 and his black fur is slightly grey from aging since he's 40 now.Chad went up to me and bit me on the neck making my wolf completely whimper. His wolf smirked nudging me up while the other wolves start forming a circle around us to make sure I get back to their land to be tortured,hit,rape and anything else they want me as.

                 For about five minutes Brad wasn't coming until we heard a loud snarl and it wasn't from Chad and a few of his people but Brad himself. Everyone turned around but me,yet I looked at Brad for a second his wolf mind-linking to me to run. Chad was off guard so I started running to what I think towards the pack as fast as I can.Chad and the people I knew that once raped me snarled while I heard Brad running after me. Then all hell broke loss when Chad and his people broke up to catch me or even Brad himself like prey. A loud hunting howl is heard through the forest and Brad nudged me slightly looking at me with worried grey eyes. I looked back at him with my sad violet eyes knowing I would be the one caught not him.

        We ran hearing each other paws hitting the forest floor silently and listen for the other wolves especially Chad. Tripping on a branch by being distracted worried about mine and Brad's future I fell down hard. Falling down hitting a rock my wolf yelped yet Brad kept running thinking I was behind him. Letting out a whimper he stopped and turned around me to look at me pain shinning his eyes looking behind me. Looking behind me I stood up in fear seeing Chad my wolf cowering back my tail between my legs. Distracting the other wolves from hurting Brad I felt my courage kick in and did the move most werewolves know the dance to get mated. All males ran to me while Chad bite slightly hard into my neck carrying me away. Looking over Chad I looked at Brad whining a sorry to him then lost sight of him into the forest. We kept running till I saw the pack gate I hate where Brad's father who is Zack opened the gate. He bowed his head to the Alpha looking at me sadly knowing I'm about to be treated like hell once again far from his son. Zack sniffed the air for a second closing the gate when everyone is in and he knew the smell right away I was his son's mate along with another male.Chad threw me in my old cage where i have a few feet to walk around in my wolf form and I turned into a human knowing the drill. Staying cold outside naked while Chad and his pack full of males surround me their eyes showing lust. Remembering my mom's words she used to say run or get caught by a rogue or even an enemy. Now I understood what she meant for me to run no matter what or your going to regret it.



    When I reached my pack all my pack members came up to me asking questions scared how their Luna got caught by a pack we thought died long ago. Staying silent I remembered Violet's look and felt guilt and sadness letting her get caught without putting up a fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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