The First Encounter-Part 2

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The other officer was tall with soft hazel eyes that changed color in the light. She was slender with an athletic build to her and her soft red hair just touched her shoulders. She was beautiful and mesmerizing, but I knew I had a job to hold up. She took caution moving towards me seeing what I had just done to one of her partners.
The woman in front of me draws out her gun and aims for my chest. She's shaking terribly I could see it had to be her first day on the job. I smiled at her and moved closer slowly. I reached out to grab the gun and push her back into the wall disarming her, when the woman I now love steps into the picture.
I had a smile across my face and in my head I thought "This'll be fun. Two women against me? Hell I'd be a shoe-in to beat them and get this job done fast." My love steps forwards as I throw the gun to the guy I had at the case, he catches it as I swing at her. She ducts sweeping her leg underneath me dropping me to the floor. She jumps back up pretty damn quickly ready for the fight. She signals to her partner to check the other guy and call for back up on the radio while she handled me. I quickly threw myself off the floor landing on my feet looking at them both.
"He's dead so both of you might as well try to get this knife from me, that is if you can" I said smirking at them both.
I could see by the way my newly found love interest was looking at me and my movement that something was distracting her and I knew I could have some fun with this. Both of them made many advancements or attempts at advancements on me while I was much faster and swifter now on my guard. I was able to cut them here and there.
Her partner wasnt fast and could realize that someone was wrong. She tried speaking to her without moving close to me.
"Hey, whats gotten into you? Just take him down" the partner yelled out as I knocked her down.
Then she looked at me as if she was frozen in time. I knew I needed to slow her down a little more so then she was already. I stood in front of her noticing her hazel eyes that looked almost grey in the dull lighting and then remembered I forgot a shirt under my jacket so slowly I undid my jacket making slow movements. Her partner started getting up and I threw my jacket down on her.
My love stoof there right in front of me frozen like a statue next to the hideous creature, or atleast that's what I thought, for a partner. You can hear the back up coming up to the store her partner ran out to get them and bring them in as I moved closer to her. There were more footsteps heard and I pulled my knife back close to me.
"Shit" I mumbled.
We both started looking around for our boss'. Her back up started to take down my group slowly. The guys grabbed what they could and got out running and distracting all the guards around me. I figured then and there it was better to leave them and go for the others. She stepped back slowly almost hiding as I went and started to fight the rest of the guards. My boss and hers started yelling for us to stop.
Then her boss looked at me and mine started to walk over to her. I stopped him and looked back at her and the scene around us.
"Sir, I gotta vanish fast and so do the rest of us" I said while he nodded to me and I was gone.
Somehow she saw me leave and was walking just as fast as I was. Slowly I caught her pulling out her phone as I walked over to get my stuff really fast. There she was red hair in a slight mess and those hazel eyes filled with fear. Her phone was in my hands with a new contact slot open. I could see her trying to ask for my name very quick so I entered my information into the phone and threw it back to her before throwing my jacket on. She turns to check out everything and I couldn't help as I walked by but to feel how the ass she had on her really felt as I disappeared. I mean literally I'm a guy I couldn't help it plus she seemed almost as good as a fight as I am.

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