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Josh O'Connell had it all. He was the quarter back of his high school team and was living up his Junior Year with all his Senior friends. Girls were always at his and his friends knees begging for their attention. When his friends graduate, they all go out celebrating. Of course you can't celebrate without booze and your buds. When the boys decide to drive home though, all under intoxication, they wreck. Leaving two of the boys dead and three injured. When Josh wakes up, he comes to find out one of the boys that died was his best friend and that he lost part of his right leg from the knee down. His world crumbles and his family feels that he needs a new start in a new town. As soon as Josh is released from the hospital, his family ships off half way across the United States. At his new town, he's stuck in a wheel chair and just stares out the window. To afraid to go outside or go to school when the school year comes around. What happens though when the girl he used to watch out his window, brings his books home to him so he can do his work at home? Will he peak her interest or will he not get a chance for someone to help him fix his past that has left him so traumatized to even go into the outside world?

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