Chapter 6

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Sorry but the make your own character is now unavailable thank you for commenting your character I will be trying to include those who did. If you had a late response yours might be put in later then others.
Thanks and happy reading.
Lani's POV

School was cut short. We were on lockdown. No one was allowed to leave or go outside. I haven't seen Malia or heard anything from her. I hope she's okay and really wish someone will explain to us what the hell is going on.
Malias POV

The assistant master or the new headmaster was in charge. Her name was Jennifer she was mid 40s. Her blonde hair was always in a neat bun. Although she wasn't a known fighter she could still kick anyone's ass with her power over the earth.

"We need to tell the students." I say. All of the teachers and staff were gathered in the atrium.

"Everyone's very confused and they have a right to know." Aspen adds on. Luke nods in agreement. I looked to Jennifer.

"Okay I'll make the announcement. We'll hold a gathering here." She says

"Now that everyone knows that their is a Class E, everyone's going to want to be a part of it." I say.

"True but there is no in this school near the level of expertise that you 3 are at." Coach Hedge says.

"Than we will train them." Luke says.

"You might have a point I have a feeling that the rebels might try to attack again. We need to have a group of people willing to fight them." Jennifer says bringing in a new aspect of this unexpected turn of life.

"I'm in." The 3 of us says at the same time.

"God the way you do that is so freaky." Coach mutters under his breath. Being so close to me it wasn't hard to tell what he was saying. All 3 of us smirk at his comment and coach freaks out some more.
The meeting ended. The lonely 3 members of class E went to our training grounds. When things get bad the 3 of us tend to train it off. That's why you hardly ever see us get mad, besides in a battle. We vent our anger out in training. And it would be pretty bad if someone did make us mad and we went out of control. I'm not saying any names but one kid pissed us off and we kinda burned down half of the school. Hehe, at least class was canceled due to the half burnt classrooms.

We punched and kicked at hanging sand bags that we frequently broke. It was quiet silent, the only sound was the sand bag moving and our heavy breathing. I started to use my power instead, I didn't want to think about Aaron. While he might of been only the head master to the school. To Aspen, Luke, and I he was the closest thing we had to a father. It may not seem like it but we were pretty close to the old hag. Like me Aspen and Luke's parents are dead, it seems that a lot of the kids at the school have dead parents. I blasted rays of energy putting my unwanted emotions into it. I brought my fist down and was about to slam it into the ground when Aaron's voice echoed through my mind.

Malia! How many times do I have to tell you! Stop making cracks in my floor.

I stopped abruptly which made Aspen and Luke attention turn to me. I stood there and let my purple hair create a curtain around my face so no one could see the silent tear the rolled down my face and hit the ground.
Lani's POV
All of the students were gathered in the atrium. Reyna and Alexis sat next to me. Malia still no where to be found. Apparently Luke and Aspen had disappeared too. The lights dimmed and the lights on the stage brightened. Jennifer the assistant principle walked on stage. That's weird normal it would Aaron who would do this kind of stuff. I thought to myself.

"Attention students." Jennifer begins."Most of you are probably wondering why you're here and I think all of you have here about class E."

When she said class E wave of whispers went off around the atrium.

"I will now introduce the 3 members of class e that I'm sure you will all not find surprising." Jennifer says. It might of been my imagination but I swear she smiled at the end of her sentence.

"Luke Gram and Aspen Dean." The water and fire users walked on stage. Their expressions were blank which wasn't normal. Malia, I would understand if she had that expression but for the boys to this way something really bad must of happened. The 2 guys stopped center stage.

"Lastly we have Malia Smoke the first member of class E." Jennifer says she walks off the stage passing Malia. Malia's purple hair covered parts of her face and it wasn't until she stopped in between Luke and Aspen did I realize her expression. She raised her head and she wore a similar face to the boys.


I really don't know how to say this. But it was something in their eyes. No more trouble making glint, no more happiness. What happened that caused my best friend so much pain?

"Yesterday not long before the announcement was made. Aaron our head master was murdered." Malia spoke up. Oh my god. Now I understand, Aaron was the 3's closest thing to a father. The crowd remained dead silent as if they were still in disbelief. Or maybe they were just afraid to say something in the presence of the deadly 3.

"Rebels are attacking the school." Luke begins.

"They use weapons that can steal our power and energy. They convert our power into weapons to be used against us." Aspen finishes

"We know they will attack again." Malia states."With that being said we need to add a few more members to class E."

And all hell broke loose
Malias POV

As soon as I finished talking people got up out there seats and ran towards us.

"How do I get in?"
"Let me in."
"I want to class e"

Some said others simply demanded they'd be put in class E. Everyone was shouting. I tried to nicely tell everyone to be quiet but that wasn't working.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I yell. Everything went dead silent. Well that worked....

"You can't just sign up for class E. You need to be chosen and we've already decided who's joining." I say.
Hi. I won't be able to update for a few days. :( but when I have the chance I'll try to update as quickly as possible. Thanks for reading!

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