C1: First Day Campout

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          It was the first day back to St. Peter Middle School where James Hanley and his small group of friends, Ashley Zaine, Joshua Tilman, and Zoey Charsselle attended. James was a ghost skeptic. Spirit related horror stories never frightened him, heck, he barely even believed in a Heaven. He could not budge from his pride of disbelief. If only there was a way to get him off of this mind set, if only something happened that could show him that spirits really do exist. James wasn't always like this. He used to have hope in an afterlife and in invisible beings. That came to a stop once his father, Johnathon Hanley, died. The cause of his death is uncertain, but people believe it was a car accident. James gave up in belief after this, and made himself believe that he'd never feel his father's presence ever again. 

          James was bringing his tray to his lunch table, where his 3 close friends were sitting. As he walked by people, he heard snickers and whispers of gossip. He sighed as he pulled up a seat. He sat down looking at his friends, who were talking about a killer story they heard of. "...So he locked the handles around her wrists, and she was electricuted to death!" explained Joshua. Ashley looked amazed, "that's crazy!" "What are you guys talking about?" asked James, concerned. Zoey said "You haven't heard of the electric man? He was all over the news! It's this stupid guy who takes innocent victims and kills them in his basement with an electric chair! Some people say it's fake, but I've seen those videos, there's no way it can be fake." "That's cool!" James exclaimed. "How the hell is that cool?" asked Ashley, "He could kill us! He lives in Oklahoma City! Man, I hope those victim's souls come back and haunt him for the rest of his life." James let out a pssh. Ashley looked at him with attitude. "Excuse me?" she said. "Oh", James replied, "sorry!" he said through laughing. "I just don't believe in spirits." "Um... what? How!" asked Zoey. "They don't exist." They all gave him the death stare. He looked confused. "Is something wrong?" he asked. "Yeah, just a bit." said Zoey. "What's wrong with me not believing in spirits. When we die, we don't release ourselves into the world, or 'heaven', we just die, rot, we're worthless." he explained. "How do you know?"  asked Ashley. "Have YOU ever died?" "Have you?" he replied. Joshua looked around awkwardly, along with Zoey, who still had a bit of surprised on her face. "Alright, let's change the subject!" Joshua said after a long silence. Ashley and James were still staring at each other, though. 

          James was walking home. School had ended, and he was all alone, listening to his mp3, walking nice and slowly. There was a bit of a breeze outside, and the atmosphere was really gloomy. James kept repeating the lunch conversation in his head. He was pondering whether his thoughts were wrong or not. He couldn't tell, but he still had no belief. Suddenly, his phone vibrates. He takes it out and unlocks the code. Glaring at the screen, there was a new message from Joshua. It was an invitation to go out in the Bridgeway forest to camp. 

Hey man! We R going 2 campout tonight in the forest. If U can come bring snacks and a tent! Hope 2 C U!

James definitely wanted to, he had some awesome new scary stories to tell them. However, he didn't have a tent, and he also didn't know is Ashley would enjoy his company. He hoped she wasn't angry at him, it was just a matter of opinion.

          It was nighttime, and it was almost time for the campout. James got his tent. He begged his mom, who was a little worried about him being in the forest with no adults. "Mom, it's okay. We'll be safe." His mother smiled and rubbed his face, "I know, I just get so worried after y- you're..." "-Dad?" he helped her. She sighed. "Yes, your father." He looked down, as his phone vibrated. Joshua sent another text.

Hey, were on our way!

He replied with

Cool, I'll be there, soon! See ya there!

C Ya.

James kissed his mom, and his little sister Kaylee jumped onto him. "You forgetting someone?" she said and laughed. He smiled and gave her a piggy back ride around the house. Their mother stood there and laughed. He finally set Kaylee down, as she reached for him. "Again! Again!" she plead. James apologized and told her maybe when he comes home. She reluctantly agreed. He went out the door, waving to his loving family at the door. He turned around once it  was closed and walked on until he reached the forest.

     James finally got to the Bridgeway forest and saw his friends sitting down around a fire. Joshua looked up from his book and waved at him. Zoey and Ashley saw Joshua and then followed. James smiled and waved back. He was happy to see that Ashley wasn't upset. He walked over, with his tent in his hand, and sat down in the middle of Joshua and Zoey. "Hey!" he said. They all replied in unison "Hey!" "Hi!" "Whatsup?" They talked for a while, while roasting marshmallows and telling jokes, when finally it was time. Horror stories. James said "Hey, can I tell you guys some scary stories?" They all quickly agreed, since they were all into getting scared. James cleared his throat, and began telling a story about a mad scientist who took human bodies and made them into dolls. However, he only shrunk one man on accident, so the dolls started attacking the little man, who eventually ended up dying. Ashley said "Not even scary!" "Fine! You tell one!" James challenged. She nodded "Alright! Here's one. There was once a boy, who was bullied in school, who eventually ended up committing suicide." She continued on with the story, ending it with his evil spirit coming back and haunting the bullies that ruined his life. James looked at her with an are you kidding me expression. "What?" she said. "Yeah, I thought it was pretty scary", Joshua said, followed by Zoey, "Yeah, me too!" James said "Sorry for getting literal, but once again, I don't believe in spirits." "You believe in human dolls?" said Ashley sarcastically. "No, but that was just stupid." Ashley said "Whatever." James would have said something back, but he heard a noise. A creepy noise. "D-Di-Did you guys hear that noise?" he asked, stuttering. "What noi-" said Zoey, interrupted by the noise. It sent chills down all of their spines. Joshua suggested getting out of the forest, but there was too much to pack up. There were more noises, and as it got closer, the sound became easier to hear. It was the sound of leaves crunching someone was walking up to their campsite. 





It stopped. There was so much confusion. James was anxiously looking around for signs. He searched and searched, until he saw a full bucket of water in the distance. It soon disappeared by two hands grabbing it, there was no body seen, though. Who was this person? The water was slowly picked up until they flung it onto their fire, blocking their light, and making them jump. "Oh no", said Zoey worried. Dead silence, until one sound was heard. A sound, followed by another sound. A piercing scream was let out, as footsteps were walking away from their campsite.

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