Chapter 9

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We all finished dinner and we were just sitting around our table, laughing and joking around. I had almost completely forgotten about my little incident with Eric. Usually when things like that happen I always ponder on and on about them. But right now I was having way too much fun. We were all a little bit tipsy. About twenty minutes ago drinks started being handed out. We all took a few.

"Hey guys! I have an awesome idea!" Amy yelled out. "Let's all go get tattoos!"

"Whooo!" I exclaimed as I jumped up, almost falling over.

"Yeah, lets do it!" Edward joined me.

We all got up and made our way to where all the shops were.

There was only one tattoo parlour but it was pretty big. We all split up, looking for tattoo designs we liked. Amy and I walked off with each other.

As we walked around looking at all the cool designs, I brought up Liv, one of our besties from Amity.

"Tattoos remind me of Liv".

Amy looked at me, sadness through her eyes.

"Yeah... I miss her so much" she sighed.

"I wonder if she will actually get all those tattoos she said she would get." I wandered out loud.

"She was actually such a cool girl, I hope we eventually see her again" Amy stated as she looked at designs on the wall.

It went quiet for a bit. But it never turned awkward.

"Hey, Eliza. What do you think about that one for me?" Amy questioned, pointing at one high up on the wall. It was an eagle with it's wings spread out. The details on it made it look like it was landing.

"You know me. I've always liked birds." Amy continued.

I've never really liked birds. Back in Amity around Spring and Summer they would always swoop me in the fields. I liked them before, but now, they scared me.

"Mmmm, yeahhh. I reckon it would look lovely." I said, putting on a bit of a funny voice.

Amy laughed, which made me laugh.

"Well. I think I'll get it!" she shouted. "What do you reckon you'll get?" she then questioned.

"Hmm..." I pondered as I looked around at all the amazing designs.

My eyes came across a small design, about the size of a playing card. Maybe even a little smaller.

It was a mermaid. I was instantly in love with it. I had always loved mermaids. I even went through a major faze where I wanted to be one.

Although, this mermaid looked a little different. It was more like an x-ray of a mermaid. She was lying down with her long hair laid out underneath her and around the sides of her body. But instead of her body being there, you could just see her bones. It looked so majestic and beautiful.

"I think I'll get that one." I said, pointing at the design.

Amy walked right up to where it was on the wall and studied it.

"Yep, you should get it. I reckon it would look lovely" she quoted me at the end. She giggled, and so did I.

We took our designs off of the wall and walked over to a man who appeared to work as a tattoo artist.

"Excuse me, we would like to get these designs as tattoos." I politely said to him.

"Us too!" we heard from behind us.

Al, Matisse, Edward, Will and Christina were all behind us holding up designs. The others must've still been looking.

"You all initiates?" the man questiond.

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