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Sometime around 2006, I was searching the internet for some pretty sick shit. I was a teenage guy, and this kind of stuff fascinated me and my abnormal interests which disgusted my poor mother. I would stay up for hours into the night, ignoring my homework and wagging school just to scrape up the fucked up videos and images I could view and save to my folders. It would just be me, my snack wrappers, and the light of my beloved computer. Which had taken a fair bashing when I got frustrated. I was beginning to fall asleep at my cluttered desk when I stumbled across a suspicious looking link on the search page. Due to my heightened curiosity I clicked the link. My computer allowed itself to lag and process the video link which wasn't odd as my computer was pretty old. The link was called 'SlaughterHouseFootage.avi' I was pretty pumped to see the unknown video, which probably hadn't been viewed much, or was leaked somehow to the internet. The load bar was slow and frustrating. I got up to get myself an instant coffee to keep myself perked up, to prevent missing the video I was so focused on watching. As I returned with my hot coffee in hand, the video had started. The running time was 3 minutes and 45 seconds. And the Webpage it was on was half assed and near blank. The video was in night vision partially, and the lights would be on for brief parts of the video.

The video was rather poor quality, and lost colour every now and then. It was filmed on a cell phone camera. The video started most likely where the slaughters would take place. The sound was slightly audible, but fuzzy and irritating. The cameraman must have been frightened because the phone camera was very unbalanced, making it hard for me to fully understand the images.

The images cleared up a little, revealing the indoor holding pen and death box. The cameraman zoomed into the pen, showing some rust and stains, along with a few starved horses ready to be killed .The man then backed up and turned his view to the death box, the machinery clanking and beeping, startling me.

As the man walked into the freezers, the skinned bodies on hooks, And the man moving them with his hand. The man's choppy breathing could be heard now, with some static and more machinery noises. For a single frame an image popped up, that looked like a horse that was decapitated. I jumped at the image, but decided to press on. The video glitched up, then skipped to where the majority of horses were held. Loud high pitched noises were emitted from the video at that point. The man approached some of the horses, one of them with it's eye badly gouged the blood and pus clearly visible. Another image shot onto the screen for a nanosecond, that was a horse's organs piled on top of each other, foul and rank looking. I gagged, but being ballsy, still watched the video.

It skipped again to the part where the horses where held up on one hoof and bled out. It was in colour now, and the cameraman poked at the dead and cold horses bodies, taking time to view them carefully. The cameraman jumped and pointed his phone camera on the doorway, the colour fading again. A figure of an overweight man in dirty overalls was just visible, walking closer before the phone was dropped to the floor, static and white noise blaring before the video cut to black.

I shook my head and shut down my computer, going to bed. I couldn't sleep, because I could've fucking sworn I saw the overalls guy out of the corner of my eye. I am dead now, and how am I writing this you ask? Ask the next horse and guy in overalls you see. You might get the answer.

Creepy PastaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon