1:How much do you love me?
2:Count the stars
1:But its morning
1:Hey I really love a girl and I dont know how to tell her
2:You can practise on me
1:Okay...I love you ♡
2:I love you 2 ♡ see!that wasn't hard? now go tell her
1:I already did :)
2:Oh what did she say?
1:I kinda think I love you....
2:High five
1:so you love me back? :D
2: No we both love me!
1:I like you do you like me?
1: :(
2:You never asked if i loved you!
1:Do you love me? :)
2: No
1:Lets be more than friends
2:Best friends!?
1:No X_X I mean something more than that
2:Mega best friends!!!!!!
Do you love me,
Breath for yes
Lick yor elbow for no