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He looks deeply into my eyes like he did yesterday. Trying to find out what's going on in me. I avoid his look. I can't look at him. He sits down. After an long awkward silence I menage to say :" I told your wife that I brought you to bed early yesterday... so she doesn't know it... not yet.... will you tell her?"

He nods in agreement to the first part and adds: " she didn't miss me? Oh well.... so to be honest I did plan on telling her ...but not yet.... like if she'll ever have an affair or something... maybe then.... will you tell her?"

I think for a while. Should I tell her? After all it wouldn't be fair to her... but lying to her earlier also wasn't fair... but not telling her....

"Hayley? You okay? Did you hear what I said?"

"Sorry what we're you saying?"

He looked at the ground and finally said :"oh... it was just... nothing...."

"okay? Well to answer your question: No I won't tell her.... after all she's my friend but I'm afraid that if I tell her she would hate me... what she definitely will if she finds out but she doesn't have to find out...."

Again he nods "sounds good"

Silence again.

I can't look at him when he's staring at me like this. And what did he want with that "nothing"? I mean he obviously said something but then wouldn't tell me? That's strange....

"so about yesterday....."he starts

"Stop it. It hasn't happened. It causes so much trouble... so let's just forget about it and pretend it never happened" I snap. Maybe a little too sharp.

"Pretend it never happened?! Wake up girl for that it's way too late! And yesterday it didn't look like it didn't happen!" Now he becomes angry and yells at me

"Yes! But yesterday evening we both were totally drunk! Earlier today I couldn't remember anything besides that my boyfriend hates me because u did something terrible"

"so you don't remember anything?" He sounds shocked and kind of upset. So quiet and calmed down again.

"I..... I do remember it by now..."

"did it mean something to you?"

Now there is something in his voice I can't describe... I don't even know what it is. All I know is that he now looks deep into my eyes again. Trying to find the answer while looking through my glassy eyes right into my brain.

"No" I say while staring back into his eyes. To be honest I don't know if it did.... I hadn't really thought about it and don't want to.... like what does it matter?

"Oh...." he replies quietly. As if I meant something to him " just say it meant something to you?!" I say while fake laughing.

Now I am nervous. What if he says yes? It can't mean something to him. He's married after all. But what if? It could be possible.... but why should he? Now that's totally impossible hayley. Or not?

"No it was meaningless" he says. That sounded kind of upset.... is he upset? Why would he be? Now he just sits there and looks at the gras. Dammit hayley you hurt him.... now say something that doesn't make it worse....

" to be honest... it meant... 'something' to me... after all.... it was my first time... so it kind of had to..."

"your first time!? That was your first time!? Dammit chad what did you do...!?" He keeps mumbling things to himself whilst looking at his fingers which are nervously ripping the gras out of the ground.

" Hayley? I'm sorry! I didn't know anything about this. And I didn't know about Josh.... and before yesterday I didn't even know you...." he interrupts himself and remains silent.

"It's. ... okay I guess.... you're married and I know your wife so I should have known you... so if you're honest you know that I'm worst" I try to cheer him up.

"Oh... yeah seems like you're right..." he smiles. And after a while he smirks a smile I don't like to see on men's faces " do you think it was good? Like did you like it? Did you have fu-"

with that my hand crashes down on his cheek. Hard. I stand up and move away quickly. Ignoring him calling my name and apologizing. I can't belive he just said that! Slowly I walk back to our bus trying not to freak out.

On my way I see sherri talking to that that guy from say anything and they look pretty close. Oh well.... I guess there may be a divorce soon.... hopefully not... I walk past them and see the the new found glory guys standing in front of our bus. As I try to turn around and move away taylor comes up to me and lays his arm around my shoulder so that I can't escape. This is just great.

"Where have you been haylaay?" He asks mocking me with that name.
"Just sitting a bit by myself.... writing some lyrics... on the lake I told you of"

Now we're almost at the bus. I try to avoid the looks of them but there just to strong. Taylor doesn't notice. But Jeremy does. He tries to do something but just doesn't know what. As he tries to save me with the words

" hayley there you are I really need to talk to you because...." they interrupt him and the torture begins.

" hello there fireball" jordan says winking at me.

Ashamed I look away. Don't cry hayley. Don't let them make you down. You're a strong woman. Jeremy looks so helpless. But I know exactly what to do. I escape from Taylor's grip and walk straight in front of them

"gentleman" I say with a little bow and take the steps in the bus. Confused they look at me. That probably wasn't the reaction they thought of. Good job hay. I walk to the backroom of the bus and close the door. Leaning on the door with my back I feel how my breathing becomes heavier and the tears start to fall. Slowly I sit at the ground my head buried in my knees trying to cry as quietly as possible. The voices from outside fade and footsteps come closer. I take a deep breath and then the knocking starts.

"Hayley? Are you in there?" He answered thay question by hinself and exhaled loudly."are you okay?"

Obviously not. Note to self: next time go I to the bathroom. Then you got a reason why you're in there doors locked... I wipe my tears away

" yeah.... just a little headache...."

"but then why are you in the backroom and not in your bunk sleeping?" Yeah.... he has a point....

" well all of you guys always run through the bunk area so it's hard to sleep.... in here I can close the door and sleep and it isn't as noisy...." yes I totally am a liar. But what else should I do?

" Oh... okay then... are you coming with us later? We waned to go out for dinner..."

"I don't know jer... Josh still hates me and I don't want to ruin your evening...." as if it's ever going to be the same.... he will never forgive me. Never ever

"look.... I talked to Josh and..."

"you did what!?" Now I'm totally loosing it. He can't just talk to Josh like nothing has happened! And why is Josh talking to him? He knows that Jeremy Is on my side so why should he talk to him?

" I talked to Josh about what happened. Don't worry he didn't say anything. But he is okay with you coming with us. Look.... he hates you at the moment but he still loves you so... you're kind of on a break. He wants to talk to you but just not now. Please come with us! It's going to be fun!"

He did what? I can't belive that.... so he still... loves me in some way? That are good news... maybe I should go with them and see what happenes today...

"okay I'll come with you" I tell Jeremy and I can already see his smile in my head. Okay so let's give it are try....

A/N: okay this won't be long... I just really wanna thank Hayley_Jardine, marieange92 and Xpxraxwh0reX for always commenting and liking the story. You guys seriously are amazing! Thank you so very much! Love you sparky! ♡

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