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Short question before: who has a guess who the girl on the toilet was? If you know me it's obvious....

The concert was over pretty fast. During our set it started raining again. In general it rains pretty much this warped tour...

When we get off stage I see the zebra girl from the toilet standing there. She smiles at me and I hugged the guys before they go into the city to celebrate. Before I could realize the dark haired girl is standing on front of me. Her bangs are falling into her eyes and she somehow looks like someone just pulled her through the desert but her smile is warm and friendly.

"So.... you wanna talk?" She says soft. I just stand there not knowing what to do. I don't even know her or her name. So why should i tell her about me or what happened? "Oh sorry my fault... my name is Ash. Ashley Costello. I'm the singer of the band New years day. I am twenty two and actually pretty interested in helping people and making them feel good somehow.... also I went to the same school as Gwen Stefani isn't that cool?" Now I have to laugh. "So.... do you wanna tell me so I can maybe, help you?" I think for a moment. She doesn't know anything so if I tell her the facts she sees is how it is... and so she actually could help me... "okay?"I say unsure. She nods" but we shouldn't do this out here. Do you wanna go to your bus or should we go to mine?" I shrug. "Okay so we'll go to mine. Your guys can come back there every minute and I don't want them to interrupt out meeting."

"What about your band?" I ask unsure.

"Don't worry!" She winks.

I'm amazed. There actually still are nice people out there? That are friendly and don't want to ruin me? Wow I owe her something.

We move back to the catering place and pass our bus. Surprisingly the guys are already in there what means that they didn't even leave so she was right... also it's confusing because they were behind me.... a bit further down the parking road almost at the end she turns right and opens the door of a bus.

"Sorry guys I have a friend Over and we'll have some ladies talk. But I think they just delivered new food so maybe you can get us some chips or something for later. I'm starving." At first the boys look confused but then they actually get up and leave. "Thanks guys! Love you"

"we love you too queen ash" a blonde one says and takes a little bow.

"You're crazy" she mutters smiling and shaking her head while she leads me in the back lounge.

She motions me to sit down and I do as I am told.

"Want anything to eat, drink, drugs alcohol, any other illegal stuff?" She asks. I look at her shocked. "Sorry i was just kidding " she laughs. After a while she calms down.

"Did you really believe me?" I shrug unsure what to say.

"Okay just to clarify that: we don't have drugs or anything illegal. In fact I've never seen anything like that and wouldn't know where to get it. All we have is something to drink a few chips and maybe some beer or... i don't know... there should be a bit of alcohol somewhere..."
she knees down and disappears under the sink.

"I don't want alcohol to be honest...." I say quietly.

At this moment she pulls out a big bottle of Wodka .

"there you are! Oh... sorry.... of course you don't have to drink. Besides I wouldn't let you because I assume that you are still under aged and I don't wanna be put in jail... I just need that bottle for later so that the guys have something to drink. I'm always hiding it so if I have to kick them out of the bus again I got something in return..." she just shrugs and comes back to me after closing the door.

The story of Feyoncé(chayley/chadley) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now