8 - Cabin in the snow

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The scent of meat drifted over my nose, and I felt myself return to consciousness. I raised my head, but I couldn't open my eyes. I lifted up a paw, feeling my eyelids--they were thick and puffy, and were tender to the touch.

Where am I?

I lay my head back down, trying to remember what had happened. Everything was a foggy blur in my mind; I could only faintly remember being picked up by someone and then placed here, wherever here was.

My eyes...I need to see. I focused on my injuries, willing them to heal themselves. My eyelids began to tingle as my flesh began repairing itself. My lack of food and energy made the process exhausting, and there was no way I'd be able to fully heal myself without falling asleep once more.

That's fine, I only need my eyes right now.

I could feel them throbbing, and gradually, the swelling began to go down, until I could open them halfway. What I saw was comforting--I was inside the cabin, lying on the floor. Light filtered through one of the cracked windows, illuminating the room.

I peered around sleepily, letting out a yawn and a tired whine. A few pots and pans were hanging from the wooden walls, and I could see a plate of meat sitting on a tiny counter, next to a wood stove. An old, ragged-looking couch was directly to my left, between me and the counter.

I looked to my right, peering over the sleeping figure next to me and spied the top half of a fireplace. An orange glow emanated from it, declaring the presence of hot embers. At some point, someone had started a fire, which had long since burned down.

I let my head sink back down to the ground, and I put a paw over the wolf to my right. Nadie, you're here. Thank goodness your okay. I vaguely remembered her curling up to me before I passed out.

I sniffed the air again. I could still smell the meat on the counter, and my stomach growled lightly. I didn't know when the meat had been put there, but it sure smelled good!

Wait. This doesn't make any sense. My eyes snapped open again, and I shook my head clear. Who started that fire? Did one of use shift back? No, that takes days...have we really been at this cabin for that long?


I tensed, smelling the air again. I pulled my paw off the wolv next to me, my eyes widening. I couldn't see who it was; I could only see the back of its fur coat. My stomach did a back flip, and I let out a low growl.

Not Nadie.

The figure to my right stirred and rolled over, wiping its eyes blearily. I sprung to my feet and leapt out from beside it, my heart racing.

"Oh, you're awake. Are you hungry?"

My mind went into full panic mode, and I pressed myself into the wall, staring down at the two figures on the floor.

What I'd thought was Nadie, curled up next to me, wasn't. In fact, it wasn't even a wolv--neither of them were. I'd been certain that it had been a wolv next to me last night, yet the girl looking at me was clearly human. Why didn't I smell that? I should've been paying attention!!

Two eyes stared at me sleepily from behind several long strands of black hair. The girl brushed the hair out of her face, and looked at me from beneath a fur blanket. Her friend, also female, was still fast asleep. I'd been tucked in between them--I'd slept next to them both.

A wave of shock--and disgust--rolled through me. I didn't know who either of them were. It certainly wasn't Nadie and Tara in human form--I would've recognized Nadie instantly if it had been.

Ice -- Wolv book IIWhere stories live. Discover now