Author's Note/Remarks

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Hey everyone! Humfrey here. Wow! The book is finally complete!

I just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read both "Wolv" and "Ice." They both took a long time to write--in fact, on April 20th, it will have been exactly one year since I sat down and began writing "Wolv."

I really don't know what I was thinking at the time--honestly. I had work to do, a kayak to build, a piano to play, absolutely no idea how to write a story and frankly, no reason to do so. Every few minutes, I would move the mouse over to the corner of the page and hover over the little red "x," seriously contemplating exiting out right than and there, and forgetting about it.

I'm glad I didn't! I actually found out about wattpad after nearly a month of writing. It was a little daunting, seeing the thousands of other stories out there that fell into the same genre, but it was also nice to know that there were people out there who enjoyed the werewolf trope.

I never imagined that "Wolv" would flesh out the way it did, and I never expected to widen the setting as I did in "Ice." It's been a lot of fun, making up the story as I go, and seeing where the characters end up! You guys aren't the only ones who didn't know what was coming next--many times, neither did I! I knew what I wanted to happen, but the journey taken to get there was never planned!

I'm really floored by the amount of people who've read my little stories--14.4k on Wolv, and 4.6 on Ice. (edit: that's changed!!) Wow! Once again, thanks you guys! I always appreciate the comments, the votes, and of course, the silent reads as well. You guys are great, thanks for sticking with it!

I know that "Ice" isn't "Wolv;" I've found Ice ended up being much darker than it's counterpart. But that's okay; Ice is another piece, another part of the story that I wish to tell! At last count, Ice was (and is) significantly longer than Wolv. People from all over the world have read it; the majority of readers are from the U.S., Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, and England. As well, interestingly enough, an overwhelming majority of the readers are female...uh, gosh! That's nice...if not a little confusing, but hey! I ain't complaining!

Anyways...before I continue rambling.

There will be more stories to come; I don't know when, but hopefully it won't be too long. I want to write one more book, one that will end the Wolv story. I'm actually having quite a bit of trouble deciding just what to do with it; I want to write from Nadie's point of view, and describe how her life began and the struggles that she faced. I think it'll be pretty cool, describing the reservation and culture that she grew up with, and than tying it all together into the storyline--I'm just not really sure how to go about doing that! I almost feel that she deserves her own book, but we'll see. If I can find a way of writing her story in to the next book, than I will.

Once again, I just wanted to say thank you to all of y'all! Those of you who have promoted my book again and again, and nominated it from time to time--you know who you are!--I love y'all! Cookies for each of you!

Ice -- Wolv book IIWhere stories live. Discover now