9 - Rescued

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As we waited, the winds outside began to slowly build, until the the edge of the storm passed over us, and the winds were whipped up into violent gusts. Hutch piled more snow against the entrance way, sealing our igloo up.

After two hours, we were all on edge. The sound of the storm was relentless; it sounded terrifying...and all we could do was listen to it.

Hutch began shifting around uncomfortable, eyeing the entrance strangley. My eyes widened with realization--

"Hutch, if you pee in here, so help me I am going to kill you."

Nadie and Tara laughed, but Hutch glared back at me. "Wouldn't dream of it," he growled. "But now that I think about it..."

"No!" the three of us Omegas cried out in unison, our eyes wide. He smirked back at us.

"Just kiddin.'"Yeah, sure you are.

The tree above us shuddered, sending a tiny cloud of snow down on the four of us. I cocked my head, looking up at our roof.


Something began bumping around outside of our shelter--I could hear the vibrations through the snow. The mass of branches that was holding our icy roof up shuddered, and a few twigs rained down.

The wind..."Something's happening," I muttered. The wind outside was picking up, becoming more and more fierce with every passing minute. The snow thumped again, and one of the walls next to me slumped down slightly. I pressed my eye against a tiny opening in the snow--all I could see was white.

"What the heck?" Nadie jumped up from the ground with a yelp. The dirt beneath her shuddered and split, as a tree root was pulled through the ground. Something cracked overhead, and the roof jostled about once more, raining down large chunks of snow this time.

"Get out!" Hutch screamed. I began furiously digging at the snow next to me, widening the hole in it until it was large enough to fit through. I leapt out of our igloo, feeling Nadie hot on my tail.

Through the snow, I could see that the tree next to our shelter was slowly being uprooted by the wind. It careened over, almost gracefully, pulling its roots out from the ground as it fell over, demolishing our igloo just as Hutch wriggled his way out.

"Well, shoot." Hutch turned away, muttering under his breath. "I hate to state the obvious, but we need shelter. Again!" He shouted over the storm, than waved his tail in the air. "Link up, guys."

I grabbed his tail, then felt jaws clamp down around my own. Ow. Hutch began trudging forward, dragging the rest of us along. I could only see a few meters in front of me; the snow in the air was so thick that it felt like I was choking on it.

After barely a mile of walking and searching, we'd found nothing, and my legs were beginning to numb.

"Hutch," I shouted between my teeth. I bit down on his tail, earning a yelp and a kick from him.

"Nothing yet!"

I looked around me, still holding his tail in my jaws. If we can find another snow drift, maybe we can dig it out. I began looking for a tree, hoping that it would have sufficient snow piled up behind it.

But there were no trees to be had.

I squinted in confusion. I can't see anything. It was like we'd entered some kind of a clearing; no matter where I looked, all I saw was white. There were no shadows, or silhouettes in the snow anywhere. We're not that far north, there's no way we've passed the tree line already! I thought. Besides, there were trees everywhere not five minutes ago!

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