Chapter Seventeen.

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-Niall's Point Of View-

I woke up to the sun shinning bright through the window. I stretched and sat up, only to see Zayn at the couch watching TV.

"How long have you been up?" I ask, as I ran my fingers through my hair. He turns and looks back at me and smiles widely.

"Hey! I've been up since about ten."

"What time is it?" I ask, as I shuffle over to him and sit on the floor.

"About half past twelve." Shit. Did I honestly sleep that long? God, I must've been out of it. I look over at my phone on the table and unlock it. I look at the date: September 13.

Holy crap. How did I forget it was my birthday? I must be losing my mind. I have to be. I click on Twitter and see birthday tweets from the fans and my mum and my brother. I smile.

"Oh, by the way, Leann told me to tell you to go to her room as soon as you wake up." I practically jump off of the floor, run over to my suitcase, grab the first shirt I see, and run out the door. Once I reached her door, I knocked, hoping she didn't fall back asleep. Fortunately, the door opened, revealing Le. I smiled, as she attacked me with a huge hug.

"Well, good morning to you, too." I say, as a small giggle escaped from her. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the room.

"So, do you feel any older yet, birthday boy?" She said, as she flopped down onto the bed. I shrug, smirking. All she did was roll her eyes. I walked over and sat down beside her, kissing her cheek. She smiled back at me, as she rested her head on my shoulder. I did the same, as I rested mine on top of hers. For some reason, she seemed off. Like something was bothering her.

"Hey, you okay?" I whispered softly to her, taking my hand and lifting her chin up so we made eye contact. She nodded her head slowly. That was when I began to worry. I knew she something was bothering. "Are you sure?" I asked uneasily. She nodded again. Whatever it was, she wasn't going to tell me.

"You know that I'm still your best friend, right? You can still tell me everything."

"I know." Was all she said. I leaned down to her and planted a kiss on her forehead, reassuring her that I was going to the there for her. Once I looked forward, I felt the bed vibrate, as Leann fished her phone out of her pocket. All I saw was that the message was from Liam. I didn't bother to ask her what he said, because it was none of my business. I'm not that kind of person.

"So, what do you wanna do today? I mean, it is your birthday." She asked, pulling herself away from my side. I shrug, not knowing what to say. She rolled her eyes and picked up her guitar, as she began strumming away. She seemed content while she played. I've noticed it every time I watched her. I also noticed that she always had her guitar on her. She never puts it down and I don't mind it, either. I sat down in front of her and watched as she continued to strum. After a few minutes, she set the guitar down and sighed.

"You know," She began, looking at me directly in the eyes. "I never did thank you."

I tilt my head to the side, a confused look on my face. "Why do you have to thank me?"

"You gave me an opportunity of a lifetime by sending the video to Simon. That's something I probably couldn't ever accomplish without you. I can't thank you enough."

I smile, before leaning in and kissing her softly. I felt her smile against my lips, before we parted and she rested her head on my shoulder. I've said this once and I'm going to say it again. Carter wasn't going to lay a finger on her. He'll have to kill me first. Leann is my best friend and my entire world. I already lost her once and I'm not going to lose her again.


-A Few Hours Later-

-Niall's Point Of View-

"C'mon Niall, you gotta get ready." Zayn said as he poked my cheek. For the past thirty minutes, he has been trying to get me motivated. I don't understand why I can't just lounge around the hotel room for the day. I mean, we don't go back on tour for another month, let me enjoy my time off.

"Why?" I groan, throwing my head back.

"Because, me and you are going out. I was told by the boss herself to feed you. I don't really want to see what happens when I don't follow her orders, so," Zayn began, before yanking the blanket off of me and turning the TV off. "Get your arse up off the damn couch, get fresh and clean clean, dressed, and let's go."

I groan, before lifting myself off the couch and shuffling to the bathroom. I take my time, wasting another thirty minutes, causing Zayn to bang on the door continuously, telling me to hurry up. What's the rush? I slip my white v-neck on and walk out of the bathroom to see Zayn on the couch, on his phone.

"Talking to Perrie?" I asked him, as I walked over to my suitcase and pull out my black Supras and my red snapback.

"Yeah. She told me to tell you happy birthday." How nice.

"Well, tell her I said thanks." I replied, stuffing my wallet and phone in my pocket.

"You ready to go?" He asks me, stuffing his phone in his pocket and standing up from the couch. I shrug, as he and I walked out the door.

Once we made it to a cab, Zayn gave the driver an address that I didn't recognize. The driver nodded and pulled away from the hotel. I looked out the window and watched the city of London pass by. I'm not going to lie, I kind of love this city. The lights, the history, the food. Everything about this city makes me smile. I look over at Zayn, seeing him doing the exact same. Great minds think alike, I guess.

"Are we there yet?" I whisper to Zayn, breaking him from his thoughts. He shook his head, looking down at his phone in his lap. I look at the time; 6:50. Perrie is in America right now with her band, it's like 10:50 over there, due to time zones. Zayn told me she had a concert on my birthday, meaning she has to be sleeping on the tour bus by now. If Zayn wasn't texting Perrie, who the hell was it?

"Here's your stop, sir." The driver said back at us. Zayn paid the man, as we both exited the cab. The lights were out in the building.

"Zayn, what's going on?"

"Nothing, come on." He said, walking towards the door. I catch up to him and sigh.

"The lights are out. They've gotta be closed already. Let's just hit a McDonald's or something."

"Sorry, leprechaun. No can do. Come on." I decided not to fight with him any further, as he entered the building. It was really quiet and it was too dark to notice anything. Suddenly, the lights flickered on.

"SURPRISE!" Was all I heard. I practically almost jump out of my skin. The hair on my arms were literally standing up. I look and see the lads, Grimmy, Ed, and-to my surprise-my mum and brother. I smile, before making eye contact with Leann. She flashed me a cheeky smile, as she walked towards me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Did you plan this?" I whisper softly in her ear. She nodded, making me smile even more than I already was. I planted a kiss to her cheek, before she looked at me directly. She smiled, before leaning in and placing her lips on mine. In that moment, I forgot where I was. I was too paralyzed by the kiss to even care. Once we pulled away, she smiled. That's when I saw the look on everybody's faces. Everyone was shocked besides my mum, Greg, Zayn, and Louis. This was akward. Well, that was until the silence was broken.

"What the hell?!" Was all I heard from Harry. Things are just about to get interesting.


Author's Note:

The secret is out now. If you think this was akward, just wait till the next chapter!

Any who. I have started writing the prologue to 'Philophobia' (My Liam Payne Fan-Fiction) I don't know when I'm going to type it out an post it, but it'll be soon.

So, my last day of my 8th grade year is Thursday. I'll then be a freshman. Holy crap. When do you get out of school.

Make sure to comment, vote, and follow me! I read comments, so please comment your opinion.

Stay Beautiful :)


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