The Explanation

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By the time we sat in the living room sofa, she had her serious face on and she kept on looking at me as if she was waiting for me to make a run for the door.

"So, why did you tell everyone that we're dating? What do you want from me? I've got money but I ain't sharing. And if you're gonna rape I still have that rape whistle from Pitch Perfect." she started talking.

"Wow, uhm. No I don't need your money, I've got loads of those. I'm not gonna rape you even though you look like an angel sent from above. I know how to control myself. Just let me explain what happened."

She nodded in agreement.

"I was in a party and I was talking to the popular kid's girlfriend and we danced. Turns out he was watching us the whole time, not like there is something wrong with what we're doing it's just me and that guy had a rough past and he didn't like seeing me with her girlfriend. Then the next day at school he punched me infront of everyone and embarassed me and said some things that made me mad. He also told me nobody would like to be my girlfriend and I can't stand to be embarassed infront of everyone so I said that you were my girlfriend. Look from the bottom of my hypothalamus, I apologize and I am willing to pay for the damage I've done." I catched my breath and looked at her. She was smiling like she was amused.

"Wow. Uhm. I don't know what to say. Uh. But you can pay me though that would be cool." she gave me a thumbs up.

"What? Look. Are you mad?"

"Oh yeah. I am. Just got distracted from the paying thing. Look, Josh. Stay away from me and the press kay? Tell everyone that you were just lying! Okay?"

"What? I can't embarass myself again."


"I know. Just make something up."

She looked at me like I was crazy. "You are such a fcktard."

We both sighed.

"Look, fine. I will but not today or tomorrow or next week. I have to wait til' things get okay."

"Ugh! I HATE YOU! Why did you have to lie!?"

Meeting her wasn't that bad actually. She has a very nice sense of humor. We actually got along after that. I told her I wanted to know her better because its not everyday I get to meet a celebrity. She talked about her upcoming movies and I told her about everything. Leo. Kylie. School. Dad. Jenna. Barden Beccas. EVERYTHING. We exchanged numbers and I promised her I wasn't a psycho kid that would kill her. She even said she'd pick me up at school tomorrow. She said her agent and her manager wanted to talk to me. When I asked her about, she said she didn't know either. But anyways she's going to pick me up at school tomorrow. This is gonna be good.

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