Chapter 5

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(Meanwhile at the airport)

"Finally I'm here" said Anna. Anna was walking out of the airport and trying to get a cab. Once she finally got one she told the driver to go to Emma house. 'Why does Romeo want me to help him with the new boss'. Thought Anna. Anna finaly got to Emmas house. It was 10 am, so no one was home. Anna sighed and decided to call Romeo to tell him she came and she is at his students house.

"Hey I'm at the house but no one is home what do you want me to do now." Said Anna in the phone.

"What do want me to do about it I'm at school"Anna can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"Why you little brat! First you tell me to go on a plane and help you train and protect the new boss. Once I finally get here and come to the house your not here !!" Anna shouted in her phone to prove her point but it only got a chuckle on the other side of the phone.

"Relax enjoy yourself. I mean your the same age as Emma. Am I right? You shouldn't worry about so much its not good for your health. And being an assassin you always have to worry about if someone's coming after you or not. Relax I'll call when we get back" than the line was cut off by Romeo before Anna can say anything else.

Anna stared at her cellphone for a while in till her anger caught up to her and she through her phone against a near by wall. 'Damn now I have to get a new phone. Oh well can't be helped I was going to get new one anyway.'Anna thought and sighed before walking off to get a new phone.
(Meanwhile at school)

"Why did you have to come to school with me again" said Emma.

"I already told you but if you must know. I am your home tutor. I'm going to have to stay with you to improve your school life and social life."said Romeo. Emma sighed and finally say the front of the school and standing right in front of it was the guys.

Emma finally reached the school.
When she did she said hi to the guys and the guys said hi back. After a couple of minutes of them talking and ignoring Romeo. He coughed which caught the attention of the group of people in front of him. The guys looked behind Emma and froze not believing of who was in front of them. Romeo sensed this and smirked and used this as his adventage to mess with them more than he have planned.

" What's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost" said Romeo with a playful smirk on his face. The guys who were still trying to process what's happening, turned to Emma. Who was trying to back away slowly trying to ditch her home tutor but failed when she wasn't looking and tripped over a person and fell.

"Woah are you OK I'm sorry."said Emma. She reached out her hand to help the person she knocked over and the other person gladly took it.

"Oh it's alright. Are you new by any chance.?"asked the mystery person. Emma just nodded.

"Really. OK. Well then my name is Rosetta Delgado. Age 16. I like track and field and karate." Said the now known person as Rosetta.

"My name is Emma Ramirez. Same age as you. I like running too but for fun mostly and reading."said Emma. Emma almost (and that was a big almost) forgot about the guys.

"How rude of me. The 8 guys who are currently behind me are my friends except for one"Emma said but said the last part softly for only her to hear. Then Rosetta looked behind Emma and just actually saw the 8 people who were behind Emma.

"Hello I'm Rosetta."said Rosetta who trying to cover up that she just noticed them.

"Sup.I'm Leo. And this is Javier, Brian, Sebastian, Robert, Antonio, and last and least of them all Gabriel." Leo said while pointing to each and every one of the guys name he called.

"Hey!! What did you say to me stupid."said Gabriel. Who is clearly insulted by what Leo said.

Leo being Leo looked at Gabriel with his most innocent face he can make and said "I don't know what your talking about." Gabriel apparently had enough of his antics. He put his hand in a fist and about to punch Leo but Emma stopped telling him to let it go and violence isn't the answer. Gabriel nodded and followed the order his future boss gave him.

Emma sighed in relief that she could stop her new found friends to not fight each other. 'Well now that that is over we could go ahead in school before the bell rings. Am I forgetting something? Ahh yes I am I forgot about Romeo.' Emm thought and was about to say her thoughts but the school bell beat her to it. The guys said there quick goodbyes to Rosetta and started off on there first period.

Once Emma and the guys got there. They headed to the the back row to there seats. Emma was walking down her isle and saw the same foot that was there on yesterday. ' I'll just trip over it like I did yesterday.' Emma thought. Just when she was about to trip on the foot something inside of her told her to step to the left or she would feel pain. Emma questioning why she felt this way but just went with it. Emma took a step to the left and just missed getting hit with a pencil. The whole class saw this and stared in amazement of what just happened. After a couple of minutes of silence the teacher broke it to start the class.

The guys and Emma sat down when the teacher started talking.

"Good morning class. Today we have another new student with us today. Please settle down and we can introduce him." Said the teacher. Then came in Romeo in all glory. He walked in with a smirk and a mysterious glint in his eyes which made the all the girls swoon in the class except one. Emma rolled her eyes at him.

"Hello fellow classmates. My name is Romeo. I have come from Italy."said Romeo.

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