Young Wizard part 15

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Oliver walked over to Gwen as all of the magical creatures were shining the lights into each others eyes. It looked like a random light show.

"Hi Gwen," Oliver said.

"Hello Oliver," she said.

"Can I compliment you now that your in human?" Oliver asked.

"Yes," Gwen said with a smile.

"Well to begin with you have the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen," Oliver said as he took Gwens hand.

"Thank you Oliver. I must confess the kiss I gave you earlier wasn't for luck, but was because I thought you were cute," Gwen said.

"That's alright I enjoyed it," Oliver said.

"Tonight we are having a fairy party and I'd like to invite you," Gwen said.

"Okay what time?" Oliver asked.

Gwen giggled, "all night long."

"I'll be there," Oliver said.

Landor and Celesta had stepped away from the round table and were whispering to each other.

"This has been the first time I've ever seen all the magical leader in human form at the same time," Landor said.

"I can't believe that l couldn't make a silly flashlight," Celesta said.

"Do you know how it works?" Landor asked her.

"No. All I know is that it has to do with something that Oliver calls science," Celesta answered.

"Maybe we should ask him to create something that are both science and magic to see if he can do it," Landor said.

"Are we testing him already to see if he's the great wizard?" Celesta asked.

"I'd rather find out before Gorgal or Demonya does," Landor answered.

Celesta and Landor walked back to the round table.

"Oliver can we speak with you for a minute?" Landor asked.

"Sure what can I do for you," he asked.

"We need to test you ok?" Celesta asked.

"Ok," Oliver said.

"We need you to create something magical and something scientific. Can you do that?" Landor asked.

"Ok," Oliver said and thought what he could make that everyone would need. Oliver thought that everyone needs to be able to contact each other, then he thought how heavy Celesta crystal ball was. He combined those thoughts and wished the abilities of a crystal ball, Gps, smart phone, with a three by three inch screen to be controlled by the wears voice and to be in the form of a watch. Oliver wished for twenty seven of them, one for everyone there. The magical science watches appeared in front of every magical creature leader.

Celesta put hers on and said, "crystal ball show me what Oliver's parent are doing right now."

The screen showed them at the grocery store shopping. Then Celesta heard them talking and was surprised.

"My crystal ball never had sound," she said.

Oliver smiled because he had been successful. Gwen blew Oliver a kiss and vanished. Everyone thanked Oliver for the magical science watches and then vanished.

"It's time to meet up with your other self," Celesta said as they both vanished and appeared in the vacant lot.

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