Chapters 7-9

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Chapter 7

Rick:"What?! Use to this?! No I won't! My dads a monster, my mo is a demented sicko and a friend is really my sister and my and my twin are...I don't even know!" Kiyku:"You're called overalls." Rick:"I DON'T EVEN CARE! I'M FREAKING OUT OF HERE!" Rick disappers. Rice:"WHERE IN THE HELL DID MY BROTHER GO?!" Kiyku:"To a place where he feels its the best." "Where is that Rice?" Rice:"Well, he always loved the beach and school.....The only place I can think of is...the school maybe a mile away from the beach and you could see it from the libary....It was...Mami, Fl middle School." "Then you two go, I will make sure your mother does not follow." Kiyku:"I wall take us then. Rice:"Okay, but please be careful." Kiyku:"I know. I may not be that good but i can do it." Rice:"That makes me feel so better..." Kiyku:"Hey, I have more pratice then you!" Rice:"Hey, I just found out!" Kiyku:"Doesn't matter. Your a-" "Girls, go now." Rice and Kikyku:"Yes sir." After severl wrong transports. Rice:"Told you weren't as good as you thought!"Kiyku:"No you didn't!" Rice:"Okay, I implied it." Kiyku:"Ugh, buttface." Rice:"Let's just find Rick."

A few hours later.

Rice:"Rick! Where are you?! Please answer! YOur scareing me!" Kiyku:"Dang how big is this freaking school?" Rick:"It's pretty big. Rice I'm scared of what lies ahead in life. What about Pancake?" Rick:"Me and her were susposed to go to the movie this friday." Rice:"You were two were?!" Kiyku:"You have a girlfriend?!" Rice:"When did you two started dating?" Rick:"Can we not make a big deal about this?" Rick an Kiyku:"We have to!" Rick:"Really?" Rice:"Yes." Kiyku:"She's your first girlfriend!" Rick:"Can we do this later?" Rice:"One question..Have you two kissed yet?" Rick:"You don't need to know."Kiyku:"So you have?" Rick:"I didn't say that?!" Rice:"So you haven't." Rick:"I didn't say that either!" Rice:"Which one is it?!" Rick:"Lets go to the cave now!" Kiyku:"Fine:"

Chapter 8

Rice:"I think I should transport us to the cave." Kiyku:'Why, are you saying I can't do it?" Pice:"No I just want to try it okay?" Kiyku:"Fine whatever."

After Transport

Rice:"Look! We're at the cave first try!"Kiyku:"Whatever." Rick:"Off topic here, but wheres dad?" Kiyku:"Either out getting food or your girlfriend." Rice:"He's going to get Pancake!?" Rick:"SHUT UP!" Rice:"What's wrong?" Rick:"Your makeing a big deal out of this." Kiyku:"WE're you sisters, we're supose to!" "Suspose to what?" Rice:"About Rick's first girlfriend!Oh hey Pancake." Rick:"Pancake!" Pancake:"Um...Hey guys. So, I think your dad saved me from your mom." Kiyku:"Hey Pancake, how are you?" Pancake:"Rice is that Kiyku?" Rice:"Yeah, long story, but what happen with our mom?" Pancake:"Yeah, she just tryed to kill me in all." Rick:"Sorry about that...Sorry but we won't be able to go to the movies this Friday." Pancake:"I guess it's okay bout your mom, and its perfecly fine about the movies. Oh, I told my parents I'm staying at your house longer then a week, so yeah." Kiyku:"Oh, that's right! You and Rick are going out!" Pancake:"How'd you find out? Rice:"We found out about 10 mins ago, and it's Rick's fault." Rick:"Be lucky it wasn't you they intaragated." Rice and Kiyku:"SO DID YOU TWO KISS YET!?" Pancakes face turn bright red. Rick:"I told you don't need to know!" Pancake:"Rice really? No we haven't okay?" Rice:"So how long have you two been going out?" Pancake:"Um...About one year. Our anniverser is in a week..." Kiyku:"Really?" Ric:"Yes we went out when Rice was really busy." Rice:"That was alot..." Kiyku:"If so how haven't you kissed her yet?" Rick:"I just haven't okay!" "Rick" Rick:"Yes sir?" "Come with me." Rick:"Yes sir...."

Rick and their father leaves the cave and walks toward the trees.

Pancake:"So...." Rice:"You were dating my brother and you didn't even tell me?!" Kiyku:"Our brother." Pancake:"What?" Rice:"I'll explain later."  Pancake:"I want to know now." Rice:"I want to know why you were dating out brother and didn't tell me." Pancake:"Fine. I didn't want our friendship being werid and he didn't want to freak you out bout him dating your best friend." Rice:"I wouldn't have, but okay. Here is what's going on." Rice and Kiyku explains everything. Pancake:"Wow, your mom is insane." Kiyku:"Yeah, your the only mortal that knows." Pancake:"Really?" Rice:"I suspose."  Pancake:"So now what?" Rice:"So...I don't know. Kiyku you got anwser?" Kiyku:"Lets wait for our dad and Rick come back."

An hour later Rick and his father come back.

Rick:"They're all asleep dad." "Yes, they all must be very tried after today." Rick:"I can see that." "You ust get some sleep to my son." Rick:"But, I'm not tried." "Go to sleep, please don not make me put you to sleep." Rick:"Yes sir..." "Thank you my son. Now goodnight."

The next morning


Chapter 9

Rice:"Wow, I'm the first one up." "Think again my little one." Rice:"Dang dad. How eariler do you get up every day?" "I wake up very eairly so you four are safe." Rice:"Can't you for once let people wake up before you?" "I will now, you are awake my little one, now I must sleep. Good morn." "Good morn father." Rice:"I'm going to stay awake." A few mins. later she is out cold.

A few hours later.

Rice:"Well,I see everyone up." "Well, you fell asleep after a few moments."  Rice:"Sorry dad, I treid staying awake." Rice:"Well anyway, where's Rick and Pancake?" Kiyku:"They went on a walk." Rice:"I wonder." Kiyku:"What?" Rice:"What are they doing in the woods?" Kiyku:"Walking." Rice:"Well okay. Are mortals allowed in our realm?" Kiyku:"Yes, why would your mom go after Pancake if she wasn't allowed?" Rice:"To hurt Rick?" Kikyu:"Good point." Rice:"Well whatever they are doing they better be here soon." Kiyku:"Why?" Rice:"Cus your cooking lunch and your going to brun it." Kiyku:"Okay..."

Later when Rick and Pancake are walking.

Pancake:"The waterfalls are beautiful in these woods." Rick:"Yes they are. Very." Pancake"So this is all true isn't it?" Rick:"Yes...I really wish it wasn't." Pancake:"Neither do I, but wishing isn't going to get us anywhere." Rick:"I know that." Tifany"She's a smart girl Rick." Rick:"Who's that?!" Tifany:"Oh my, you don't remember your own mothers voice? Let us see if you remember what I look like."

She moves efferlessly out from above the trees, and lands gracefully on her feet.

Rick:"Mom?!" Pancake:"Rick we need to leave now." Tifany:"Now she's just being stupid. Darling, don't listen. Come here, to your mother. The one who raised you." Rick:"Now she's not! Pancake, grab my hand and clear your mind." Pancake:"Why?" Rick:"Pancake, just do it. Please." Pancake:"Okay..." Tifany:"Don't you da-"

 Rick transports to the cave.

Rick:"Guys! Pack your things we got to go! Mom is in the woods and coming fast." "Does as he says girls, just for now." Rice and Kiyku:"Yes sir."


So sorry, I haven't really had time to write, I hope this isn't late.

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