Squad Dinner Part 1

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Kyra Pov

Once I'm Dressed, I don't feel like going out anymore so I Change Into some Comfortable but Still Cute Clothes Then I Pick up my Phone So I Can Call Tracy to see if we can change plans, Like Always She Answers on the Second Ring

Me-Hey Girl Was You Already On Your Way Out?

Tracy-Nah Girl I Was Just About To Call You,I Ain't Feel Like Going To a Restaurant But I Still Want To See Y'all

Me-Me 2 , So How About We Pick a Place to get Food From And Y'all Come Over Here With Me and Aug

Tracy-Hell Yea,Let Me Tell Quess and Text Dee Dee Then Tell Her And We'll Decide where we eating once we Get There, See You In About 30minutes?

Me- Ok Coo

We Say Our Goodbyes and hang up Then I Walk Into The Kitchen And Tell Aug About The Change Of Plans. He's Coo With It Because He Didn't Feel Like Going Out Either. I Walk Over To The Refrigerator And Get A Water. Once I Close The Refrigerator Aug Comes Up Behind Me and Starts To Kiss My Neck, While Wrapping his Arms Around My Waist. I Moan Out " You So Nasty" Aug Immediately replies "Ya Know Ya Like When Daddy Get Freaky" I Quickly Reply "I Do Daddy But Squad On The Way" Aug Chuckles Then Replies "I know Baybeh But Damn I need You" I Turn Around Towards Him and Reply "You Need Me Daddy?" Aug Nods and Just As I'm About To Put My Hand down his Pants The Door Bell Rings, Aug Gets Mad and Says "This Some Bullshit Mane" I Laugh and Turn Towards The Door,And Say "Come On Crybaby We Have Company" Aug Mumbles something and Makes His Way Over To Me. 

We Open The Door and Tracy Yells "SQUAD IN THIS BITCH, GANG GANG THE FUCK YOU THOUGHT" We All Laugh At Tracy Goofy Ass, Then We Welcome Tracy, Dee Dee,Travis and Jacquess into the House. Once We're Settled I Asked "Okay Y'all What Want For Dinner" They Look At Each Other Then Yell "54th street bar & grill" I Laugh at them and Reply "Hell Yea That's My Place Ya, Hold Up Let Me Get The Number and While I'm Doing I'm Doing That Tracy Pull Up The menu on The IPad" Tracy Nods And Grabs The IPad.  I Go In The Bedroom to get my phone and as I'm Walking Aug Comes up behind me and Says "Baybeh I Already Know What I Want For Dessert" I Chuckle And Think Oh My God Tonight Is Going To Be A Long Night With Theses Fools

Just a Little Something So Y'all Can Get a Feel For How Squad Dinner Is Going To Be 😃😃

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