a rant.

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this may not be a big issue for you guys,
but it's really starting to make me angry.

almost every I am told I look depressed.

first of all:
you don't say that to a person, if I am depressed, why would I want to tell you, let alone everyone around me.

second of all:
there is a difference between quiet and depressed.
there is nothing wrong with being depressed, it happens. but depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain (yes, I do my research) and being quiet can be caused by a low tolerance to stupidity.

if I'm not speaking, it's probably because I've had a bad day, somebody said something rude, or it's just me being an introvert.

also, if I'm not smiling, that doesn't mean I'm sad, I'm probably thinking, quiet people tend to do that a lot.

third of all:
do not target the people who don't speak much or look upset for your jokes, it's not cool. this happens to me a lot and I'm about one time away from punching someone in the face.

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