Chapter15-A good life

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Zack and I decided on getting pizza,so I walked into the pizza place with Zack by my side and the restaurant only had a little bit of customers in it.

"What kind of pizza do you want?"I asked Zack

"pepperoni!"he said

"Hi can I get a small pepperoni pizza"I said and the cashier nodded

"Any drinks?"She asked

"What kind of drink do you want?"I asked Zack

"apple juice"he said and the cashier typed it in and turned to me

"I'll get a medium sprite soda"I said

"Your order will be right up"She said and walked into the kitchen

Zack and I sat on a table waiting for our food to arrive and we're waiting look at Zack and just think on what I've gone through and out of everything he's the best part,I still have adventures for us to do and now Luke can come.I remember when I told my mom,she said I can keep him or give him up for adoption but she will never let me abort it,not like I wanted to but I just didn't want to go through the pain,the really bad mood swings,or the really horrible nasty cravings I got and now that I look back,how did I was pancakes with pickles,I don't even like Pickles! Anyway everything was worth it.I had awesome friends and Jordon was really great,he was supportive and caring.

I planned to keep Zack from Luke because I didn't know what would happen if he knew but I also didn't want Zack growing up thinking Jordon was his dad.When I told my dad I wanted to move back with my mom,I thought it could be a opportunity but I was also afraid cause I didn't know how Luke grew up to be and how he would react but now I'm happy he knows and I happy we are all together.

When I found out that the guy I grew up with wasn't my real dad,that felt horrible.All of a sudden it felt like I never had a father,like he was just not there,I lived with him but it's like it just went blank.When in reality he was there,Jacob helped me out in everything,he was there when my mom got a little busy,he took me to the park,he bought me stuff,he provided for me,we would even have those special days when we spend the entire day together since he would cancel all his plans and it was just us two.So when I found out Jacob isn't my real dad I thought on how bad it would be if Zack grew up thinking Jordon was his dad,just like I grew up thinking Jacob was my dad.He isn't my biological dad but he will always be part of me.He did a lot and had to live with all of my craxiness,so I have to thank him.

Now for Owen,I wish he was there to see me grow and just be me.He was not there but we Will definitely  make up as much as we can. I really want to get to know him and build a relationship with him and make sure he's part of my life.

I look back to how my life is crazy but perfect in a way and I can't wait to see how Zack's life turns out to be with all the craziness that's going to happen.

"Ma'am your orders ready" the cashier lady comes with our food and Zack immediately grabs a piece and eats.

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