Chapter 2: Something new?

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A few weeks have gone by, school is starting tomorrow, and I've almost forgotten about the beach incident. Almost. When Nathan went back home he and Ally exchanged phone numbers, emails, kiks, snapchats, and before his plane even took off they skyped each other. They are in the "new couple" stage. Ally makes sure to tell him good night six times every night, and now they have these obnoxious nicknames. That jealous feeling is getting alot bigger...

"I think we should break up." Ally says through the phone, "I just think: I've had my amazing foreign forbidden romance, but now that school is starting again, I need to come back down to Earth."

Her confession throws me seriously off guard. She's been trying to get Nathan since kindergarten. Now she wants to break it off? Somehow sensing my confusion through the phone, she adds, "I know, I know, I've always wanted this. But who knows? Maybe I'll find some one better, That DOESN'T live in Ireland." For some strange reason I'm happy they're breaking up. At least she wont have to worry about him cheating. God, if he broke her heart I would kill him.

"Well, whatever you think is right. He's kind of a pig any way. Pigs don't turn into princes. You need a frog." I tell her, laughing slightly at the last part.

I hear her soft giggles on the other end, "you mean like Brandon? He's a perfect toad", she jokes back.

"Ha ha, your soooo funny" I say sarcastically.

"Oh goodness, Cash. We are quite the pair. Well I think I should get some beauty sleep for tomorrow. Love you doll." she says softly before ending the call.

The last part makes my stomach start to flutter. I wish I was still talking to her. She had such a calming voice. "I love you too" , I say with a light smile right before I drift off to sleep.


The next morning I dress to impress. A pink floral dress topped with a white cardigan and my dirty blonde hair done into loose curls (it is the first day of school!) While organizing my backpack for about the gazillionth time, I get two texts. The first one is from Brandon, "hey babe, you ready? I'm outside waiting for you." the second one was from Ally, "I ended it with Nathan last night. New year, New beginnings:)".

Ally's text made me feel bad, but, at the same time it made me feel happy. All these feelings I've been developing lately are starting to freak me out. Ally's my best friend. Nothing more, right? I need to clear my head. I head out the door and go meet Brandon.

Hopping into his car, I'm greeted by his plump lips, "good morning beautiful."

When he pulls away and all I manage to give is a weak smile and respond with a quiet, "good morning".

He arches his eyebrows in confusion, "Cash, what's going on? Ever since we went to the beach you've been acting different." Different? What did he mean different? Did he know? Wait, what was there to know? I'm still me, nothing has changed.

"W-what do you mean?" was all I managed to sputter out.

He sighs, "look I'm sorry if you were overwhelmed by what we did. I thought you would've liked it, if I knew you wouldn't have liked it I would've never tried. I-its just that-" I cut his rant short by softly kissing him. He keeps his eyes closed for a bit, as if savoring the kiss. "I love you, Cash. And I want to show you how much I really do."

I laugh a little, "I know how much you love me, you don't have to prove it. I'm not quite ready for that yet." I gently rub his cheek, "is that okay with you?" He smiles shyly and nods. I love it when he blushes like that. "Good. now shall we be off?"

Authors note: Sorry this took like 2 years but I'm getting back into the groove of things and I will be working more on my writing. :)

- Blu D€monté

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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