~Chapter 1~

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    I brush the dust off my mirror and stare into my pale blue eyes. They look glassy and dead. I back up to examine my outfit like I always used to do. My dark red heels contrast perfectly with my cream tights and short black skirt. My dressy blouse couldn't fit better, hugging my perfect shape. My eyes meet momentarily with the stub of my right arm. I quickly turn away and breath heavily. I remember why I have this totally gorgeous outfit on. I am going to court. I am 16 and going to court. The murder of my two best friends and the...removal, of my right arm are what brings me to this day. I walk over to the window and watch the autumn sun rise. My breath clouds the cold window. A gust of wind blows a dark blood red leaf against my window. It's almost the same color as my heels. I look down at them. Suddenly it's dark and I see blood trickling down my muddy leg. I gasp and grip the table by the window, coming out of my memory. I will never be able to forget that cursed summer, never. I grab my bag and slam my door, disrupting the sickening silence of this huge haunted house.

The Nerd Who Sawed My Arm OffWhere stories live. Discover now